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Accountability Learning Targets: I can explain what accountability is.

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Presentation on theme: "Accountability Learning Targets: I can explain what accountability is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accountability Learning Targets: I can explain what accountability is.
I can recognize ways that I can become more accountable for my academic success and classroom citizenship

2 Accountability vs. Responsibility
What is the difference between accountability and responsibility ? (1-2 minute turn-and-talk, then share responses). Responsibility: The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something. Accountability: Not only are you responsible for something, but there is also an expectation that you are answerable for your actions. Responsibility can be shared, but accountability cannot.

3 Examples of Accountability
Armando Galarraga’s “Almost Perfect” Game

4 Examples of Accountability: Armando Galarraga’s “Almost Perfect” Game
In 135 years of baseball history with over 200,000 games being played, only 23 pitchers have thrown a perfect game. Galarraga, had it not been for Jim Joyce’s blown call, would have made his mark in baseball history. Major League Baseball, as an organization, has subsequently enhanced their accountability by incorporating instant replay to limit the possibility of blown calls. The accountability displayed by Armando Galarraga and Jim Joyce was even more profound!

5 Examples of Accountability: Armando Galarraga’s “Almost Perfect” Game
How did Galarraga react to the call? He could have blamed the umpire and reacted with anger and rage Instead, he supported Jim Joyce and accepted the apology Galarraga was remarkably gracious and he helped to ease the disgust of many Tiger fans He held himself accountable to a high level of sportsmanship that is expected, but often absent, in professional sports

6 Examples of Accountability: Armando Galarraga’s “Almost Perfect” Game
How did Jim Joyce respond? He could have invented many different excuses why he made a bad call. Instead, Jim Joyce held himself accountable: He apologized to Armando and baseball fans and admitted that he had made a terrible mistake.

7 Examples of Accountability:
Armando Galarraga’s “Almost Perfect” Game

8 Student and Staff Accountability at AMS
What are some things that you should be accountable for as a student? (1-2 minute turn-and-talk, then share responses) Assignment completion – No excuses! Test preparation – Always do your best! Classroom behavior – Are YOU contributing to a positive classroom learning environment? Getting to class on time Remembering needed materials Staying organized, prioritizing tasks, keeping busy And a variety of other things!

9 Accountability Self-Assessment
What is your current level of personal accountability? Complete the provided self-assessment with honesty. Once you have scored each item, calculated the combined total. Evaluate your self-assessment and identify categories that you can improve upon.

10 Review of Learning Targets:
I can explain what accountability is. I can recognize ways that I can become more accountable for my academic success and classroom citizenship

11 Goal: Become more accountable for your actions!
Don’t make excuses for your academic success or for your behavior! Mustang MANIA! Maintain Respect Always do your Best Need to be Responsible In and Around Avondale Middle School!

12 Accountability Part 2 Learning Targets:
I can review what accountability is. I can recognize ways that I can become more accountable for my personal growth, academic success, and social behaviors.

13 Accountability Part 2 Let’s Review:
Please use these Compass Points as your guide. Move around the room to 4 separate areas. Discuss with a partner/group first and then come together and discuss as a class. N- Needs- Why is accountability needed? W- Worries- Why is accountability tough? E- Exciting- What is exciting about accountability? S- Strengths- What are the strengths of accountable people?

14 Accountability Self-Assessment
1. Remember the video with the pitcher and baseball umpire from last week. What were the accountability issues? 2. Then we asked you to take a self-assessment to look at your own accountability. 3. Today we are going to take it a step further.

15 Accountability and You Finishing Strong
As of today, May 10, 2016, we have EXACTLY 28 days of school left. The last part of the school year is both an exciting and challenging time. Why is this? Come with is 5 ideas from the class.

16 Accountability and You Finishing Strong
First, we will think about what are 3 goals you can set for yourself. One goal is personal, one goal is academic, and one goal is social or behavioral. Then, we will list ways that you will make sure you are accountable for setting and attaining these goals. Remember that hitting goals is difficult and requires work. Look over the self-assessment on the back and try to include as many ideas from the back on your goal paper. Finally, we will decide as a class if you want to post these goal sheets in the classroom or keep them to yourselves. Plan when to have accountability check-ins.

17 Accountability and You Setting Goals
Directions The Goal Sheet Look over the self-assessment side from last week. Circle ideas on the paper that you want to put on your goal sheet side. Now create your 3 goals. Don’t forget to put ideas from the self-assessment onto your goal sheet. The next slide has an example to help you!

18 Accountability and You Setting Goals Example
Personal Goal- I want to improve my eating habits by being more healthy, which means I need to eat more fruits and vegetables and cut out junk food. Accountability Plan- My idea- To reach this goal I will take more time finding recipes and going to the grocery store. I will not grab the easiest thing to eat in the pantry at home, but instead with think before I grab food. Assessment Idea- I will use idea #8 from the self-assessment which says I will seek feedback from others. I tell my friend, who is the healthiest person I know, what I have been eating and ask her if she thinks what I am eating is healthy. I will ask her for healthy food ideas too.

19 Accountability and You Sharing Our Goals
We are more likely to reach our goals when we write them down, and even more likely to reach them when we share them with somebody. Why do you think this is? Please share your goals and accountability plan with at least one other classmate today. We will revisit these goals in the future. Decide as a class if you are each going to keep these goal sheets or if you want your Round-Up Advisor to keep them for you.

20 Additional Time: The Human Knot!
What You Do: Have 10 kids stand in a circle, facing inward. Tell everyone to reach their right arm towards the center and grab someone else's hand. Make sure no one grabs the hand of the person right next to them. Next, have everyone reach their left arm in and grab someone else's hand. Again, make sure it's not the person right next to them. Now, the fun begins! The kids need to work together to untangle the human knot without letting go of any hands. The goal is to end up in a perfect circle again. They can go over or under each other's arms, or through legs if needed! Encourage them to do whatever they want, as long as they don't break the chain in the process.

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