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OAS TABE Online Training

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Presentation on theme: "OAS TABE Online Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 OAS TABE Online Training

2 Agenda Introductions TABE Overview TABE Administration Functions
Scheduling Tests Registering Students to a test Adding New Users Generating Test Tickets Accessing Reports Break and individual practice Reviewing TABE Reports TABE Online “client” download TABE Set-up procedures Wrap-up and Q&A

3 Why TABE Online? Decrease the burden of test administration
Convenient - Register anytime from any computer Accessible - Look up scores anytime from any computer Secure – Less proctor oversight because every student self navigates through the test. Time-Saving - No bubbling. No scoring. 

4 TABE Review

5 TABE Overview TABE Core Tests include: Reading, Language & Math
Scores Types include: NRS Scores Grade Equivalent Scale Scores Objective Mastery National Percentile Scores

6 TABE Available Tests

7 Available Test Forms Complete Battery (3 hours, 37 minutes)
Complete norm- and criterion-referenced information Detailed diagnostic information Survey (2 hours, 8 minutes) Shorter testing time Easy screening and placement Two Forms TABE 9/10 (test / retest).

8 TABE Levels L 0 - 1.9 (this level is not available online) E 2.0 - 3.9
Level Content Grade Range L (this level is not available online) E M D A

9 TABE Online Assessment
Access all administrative functions: Schedule test administrations Register students Run Reports Import Rosters/Export Data Student Access = Test Delivery Client (TDC) Icon installed on student desktop Connection through Internet Explorer Lock Down Browser User Name: Maxine_mccormick_02 Password: Berlin123

10 Let’s start with the Student Experience
TABE Online Tutorial Let’s start with the Student Experience Go to:

11 You are in the right place if you see this screen.
Click on “Start the test.”

12 It isn’t real, so just click “Log In.”
If this were a real test session, students would need to enter the required data in these 3 fields. It isn’t real, so just click “Log In.”

13 First, the tutorial will download.
Next, click “Start” to begin the tutorial, where you will learn how a student navigates the TABE Online program.

14 It’s now time to learn how to log on and use TABE Online.
Go to:

15 A help screen will open in a new window.
Help is always available. Click the “Help” link at the top of the page. A help screen will open in a new window.

16 Your first real login will likely display a screen, indicating that you have no scheduled test sessions.

17 You will need to schedule a test for each group students
Scheduling Tests You will need to schedule a test for each group students A site administrator can do this ahead of time for each testing session

18 Click Assessments, then Manage Sessions
I have already scheduled a test session. Let’s practice adding a new test session. Click Assessments, then Manage Sessions

19 Click Schedule Session
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20 Click arrow to display classes/programs under the Group
Select appropriate Group or Class name you just created Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

21 Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation
After selecting the Group/Class, then select [+] to add a new test session Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

22 Choose the test you wish to schedule from the drop-down menu.
Note: This screen shows 4 Sections you will navigate through 1) Select Test 2) Test Details 3) Add Student 4) Add Proctor

23 Click on the test name to verify and select your choice.

24 Do you want breaks between subtests? What is “Random Distractor?”
Next, you can click on “Modify Test.”

25 You can also reorder the subtests, if desired.
Modify your test session by removing any subtests you don’t wish to administer. Move them to the left. Only the tests you want to give will be left on the right. You can also reorder the subtests, if desired. Click OK when finished modifying your test session.

26 Now that your test is modified, go to Test Details.

27 Here, you can make these adjustments:
Recommendation: Test Session Name to include: Site name/initials Test Form and Level Year or month or semester dates Here, you can make these adjustments: Test Name (recommended that you add to, but do not remove original name) Test Date Range; Start & End Times, Time Zone, Test Location Site Continue by going to Add Student. (This is one way to register a student for a test.)

28 Click Add Student only if you have either already imported the students into the OAS system, or if the students you are adding already pre-tested in the TABE Online system. Otherwise, skip this step and click SAVE without adding students at this time.

29 If your students are already in the system because you uploaded or entered them, or they pre-tested in the new system, then after clicking Add Student, you will search for the students by group (left-hand side), and then check the box in front of the names of students you wish to add to this test session. When finished, click OK.

30 Proctors who have already been entered into the OAS system can be added to a test session in this same manner. Click SAVE.

31 You will now be returned to your home screen.
Your newly created test session appears under the “Current and Future” list.

32 You will need to expand the “Completed” list to see previously administered test sessions.

33 Adding Students

34 Next, we need to put a student’s information into the OAS system.
Go to Groups > Manage Students > Student List

35 Click on the name of the group to which you are going to add a student.

36 Click on “ + “ on the bottom of the list to add a student.
Any student who has already been added to this group will now appear on the list. Click on “ + “ on the bottom of the list to add a student.

37 Provide First Name, Last Name, DOB, AD for grade, and Gender.
Check the box to the right indicating which group or class to which student will be added. Note: This screen shows 3 Sections you will navigate through 1) Student Information 2) Additional Student Information 3) Specific Accommodations

38 Additional student information and accommodations can also be added.
This student, for example, may need to be given untimed tests according to his IEP.

39 After clicking SAVE, you will see the students’ names appear in the list associated with this group/class.

40 Here’s another way to add students into the OAS system.
Go to the Services tab, then User/Student Load, and now click Import.

41 Now select Student Template, then click “Export.”

42 Fill in the spreadsheet template with this, the minimum amount of information.
Save the file.

43 Now, back on the OAS site, browse for the file you just saved, and click Upload.

44 Assigning Students to Test Sessions

45 (More than one test session will often be displayed.)
Return to the Home Page Click the name of the test session to which the student is to be added. (More than one test session will often be displayed.) Click on the pencil icon to Edit Session.

46 The test session details are shown.
Click on Add Student.

47 No students have yet been assigned to take this test.
Click “Add Student.”

48 Click the name of the group into which this student was placed.
Names of all students in this group will appear. Check the box in front of your student’s name. Click OK.

49 I now see that I have assigned 2 students to this test session.

50 (If you don’t see your student’s name, click to “Refresh List.”
Back on my home page (Assessments > Manage Sessions), click on the name of this test session. Now go to View Status. Here, you can verify that your student has been assigned to take this test. (If you don’t see your student’s name, click to “Refresh List.”

51 Go to Assessments -> Register Student.
Here’s another method for registering students for a test session after they have been uploaded into the OAS system. Go to Assessments -> Register Student.

52 Our test session was already created
Our test session was already created. When we scheduled it, we need not have registered any students at that time. Now, select a group to display available test sessions. Choose a session for which to register the student and click Register. .

53 You can also click on “Student Name” to alphabetize the list of names.
Our students were uploaded to the Bell Demo Group. After I clicked on register, I choose this group. I will click on a student’s name, then click Next.

54 Verify that this is the test you want to assign, then click OK.
If I turn off the Locator, I will need to assign the levels of the test this student needs to take. Verify that this is the test you want to assign, then click OK.

55 Decide whether or not to print Access Code on test ticket
Decide whether or not to print Access Code on test ticket. Print test ticket now (or wait to all are registered). Click Done.

56 Next, click on “Print Test Tickets.”
Back on the home page, select a test session for which you want to print the test tickets. Next, click on “Print Test Tickets.”

57 Here are your available choices.

58 Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

59 Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation
Summary Test Ticket Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

60 Managing Users

61 Go to Groups > Manage Users
. Go to Groups > Manage Users

62 Select Appropriate Group > Click the [+} > Add a new user
. Select Appropriate Group > Click the [+} > Add a new user

63 New User Roles Next, we need to put a student’s information into the OAS system. Go to Groups > Manage Students > Student List ROLES: Administrative Coordinator: Considered “Secondary Administrators,” and can add test sessions; add and delete student records and manage accommodations, and view reports Coordinator: Can view and schedule test sessions and view reports Proctor: Are responsible for monitoring students during a test session, for the sessions to which they are assigned. This may include adding or removing students from the test roster, or invalidating students who are suspected of test irregularities

64 BREAK 10 minutes

65 Individual Practice 30 minutes
TASKS: Practice scheduling a test Practice registering a student Practice navigating system LOG-IN: user name: tabe_demo_05 password: demo123456

66 Accessing TABE Reports

67 Click the Reports tab at the top of the page.
After students have completed testing, we need to access the test reports. Click the Reports tab at the top of the page.

68 Our choices of report types are shown.
Let’s click on Individual Portfolio Report.

69 Choose the Test Name, Date Range, Class, and Student.
Drill down options are available, to help you select the test and student report you need. Choose the Test Name, Date Range, Class, and Student. Click Submit.

70 The Portfolio Report provides this student’s Scale Score, Grade Equivalent, and NRS Level.
Click on the magnifying glass under the student’s name to open the Profile Report.

71 Now you have access to much more data:
Number of questions attempted, number correct, Mastery Levels, etc.

72 Navigate back to the Reports page and generate a Group List Report
Practice on your own! Navigate back to the Reports page and generate a Group List Report

73 Navigate back to reports and generate:
Item Analysis Report

74 Downloading the TDC for student access

75 Go to the Services tab, then Workstation Setup, and Install Software.
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76 Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation
Follow Steps 1-3 (Note: you may need IT administrative privileges and/or assistance to complete the installation) Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

77 Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

78 CTB Product Support Support Hours: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Eastern Time
Product Support Phone: Product Support Go to for more information on all items TABE

79 Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

80 Subscriber License Agreement
Copyright © 2015 Data Recognition Corporation

81 Questions? Thank you for your time!

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