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Presentation on theme: "Reptiles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reptiles

2 1. Reptiles Cold-blood vertebrates Dry, scaly skin
Lay eggs with leathery shells Three chambered heart Live in wet or dry climates Born with lungs and maintain through life

3 2. Categories of Reptiles
Non-Living: Dinosaurs Living: (a) snakes and lizards (b) alligators and crocodiles ‘(c)’ turtles, (d) tuatara (single species in New Zealand)


5 3. Snakes No legs, no ear openings, and unmovable eyelids
Molting – shed skin (and eyelids) periodically Most are non-poisonous Found in many different types of environments

6 3. Snakes

7 4. Snake Senses Can not hear and have poor vision
GREAT sense of smell (use tongue) Heat detecting organs (sense prey)

8 5. Snake Snacks Meat eaters Swallow food whole
Live or strangle/suffocate and eat dead Jaws become unhinged; throat is elastic

9 6. Lizards

10 6. Lizards Four legs, ear openings, and movable eyelids
Shed skin periodically via molting Most live in warm/hot and dry places Chameleons, Komodo (310 lbs), iguanas, flying lizards

11 7. Crocodiles and Alligators
Found in shallow waters in tropical climates Use tails to propel through water Nostrils and eyes above water FOUR chambered hearts

12 8. How to tell the difference?
Alligators – broad, rounded snouts Crocodiles – narrow, pointed snouts; also, fourth tooth on the lower jaw is outside the upper jaw when mouth is closed

13 7. Crocodiles and Alligators

14 9. Turtles Most have clawed legs (sea turtles-paddle shaped)
Two hard, bony shells that cover body Vertebrae and ribs are part of shell Some can pull head and legs inside of shell

15 10. Types of Turtles Sea Turtles – live in the ocean


17 10. Types of Turtles Sea Turtles – live in the ocean
Tortoises – live entire lives on land


19 10. Types of Turtles Sea Turtles – live in the ocean
Tortoises – live entire lives on land Terrapins – freshwater turtles which may venture onto land


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