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Business Management Globalization.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Management Globalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Management Globalization

2 Today’s Objectives Describe the effect of a global marketplace on business, including Changes in American business operations Basic business concerns & variables in business competition

3 Globalization The worldwide movement toward _______, ________, ____, and ________ _________ Implies that we are more interconnected and interdependent

4 What does it mean for business?
Emphasis on the transfer of _____, ______, and _______ across national frontiers

5 Here in the United States…
You could purchase _______ goods that are products made by firms in the United States. You could purchase _______ goods that are products made by firms in other countries.

6 BINGO! How much of what you’re wearing is really Made in America?

7 Think About It Why do we seem to have more foreign goods from some countries over others?

8 Trade Agreements Free-trade agreements are ___________ agreements that ______ almost all _____ _________and subsidies between individual _______ and groups of countries.

9 This helps with… Importing – _____ goods or services made in a ______ country Exporting – when a company ____ its goods and services to a _______ country

10 Think About It Does the United States typically import or export more goods? ** balance of trade ** deficit

11 Effect on American Businesses
More e-commerce _________________ Decrease of ___________ jobs Rapid growth of _________ jobs

12 Businesses are concerned with…
________ costs Product _______ _______ quality _____ volume _____ margins These variables are important to being competitive in the business market.

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