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Health Care Finance Sharon Gondodiputro dr., MARS, MH

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Presentation on theme: "Health Care Finance Sharon Gondodiputro dr., MARS, MH"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Care Finance Sharon Gondodiputro dr., MARS, MH
Department of Public Health,Faculty of Medicine UNPAD

2 Topics Definition of health care finance
Objectives/Goals of health care finance Health care triangle Functional components of health care finance Funding sources, contribution mechanism and collection agents in health care finance

3 Definition of Health Care Finance
The way in which money is raised to fund health activities as well as how it is used sum of money to buy various health products and health services

4 Objectives of Health Care Finance
Sustainability of health system the preservation or enhancement of health

5 dana kes 2007

Health Care Triangle POPULATION COVERAGE PROVIDER Funding Allocation delivery THIRD PARTY INSURER OR PURCHASER The provision and financing of health care can be simplified as an exchange or transfer of resources

7 Functional components of health care financE
POPULATION COVERAGE PROVIDER Funding Allocation delivery THIRD PARTY INSURER OR PURCHASER pooling collecting purchasing provision health care FINANCING


9 Mechanism Taxes Direct and indirect taxes Social Insurance * Medical Saving Account Individual savings accounts into which people are either required to or given incentives to, deposit money. The money must be spent on personal medical expenses Out of Pocket Patients /clients required to pay : Part of the costs (cost sharing) or All of the costs the collection agent is usually the provider : physician , hospital etc

10 Thank you

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