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Update – 16/April/2014 Gergely Sipos

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1 Update – 16/April/2014 Gergely Sipos
NIL meeting EGI Engagement Strategy Update – 16/April/2014 Gergely Sipos 11/19/2018

2 Engagement strategy document
Not only a strategy, but also Description of responsibilities and support tools Specific plans for a three months period Metrics New issue every three months First issue: January 2014 Second issue: Second half of April  Presented today Third issue: September 2014 Continuous updates in between Updates through the EGI Engagement Advisory Board: NILs, UCB, Champions, members, EAB, NA2 managers 11/19/2018

3 Engagement covers Four areas: Presented later today:
Outreach (Neasan) Scoping (Nuno) Implementation (Gergely) Cross-cutting issues (Diego) Presented later today: Progress since January (against goals) Achievements, delays, lessons learnt New goals May-September 11/19/2018

4 One significant change in the new Engagement Strategy document
Extended goals section based on contributions from NILs, UCB, DCC: National Engagement plans (based on input from the NILs) Build on local competences – E.g. gateway based support; university outreach; local engagement activities; etc. Community engagement plans (written by UCB members) DCC engagement plans (written by DCC members) Expected – 1 Paragraph / contributor Set SMART goals Specific – target a specific area for improvement Measurable – with expected outcome or indicator stated Assignable – you should know who will do it from Your NGI/community Realistic – given your available resources, and the time Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved. Deadline: 5th of May Send input to SMART: Specific – target a specific area for improvement. Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress. Assignable – specify who will do it. Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources. Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved. 11/19/2018

5 Outreach Progress # Goal Achievement Status 1
Create a portfolio of materials around the EGI Solutions Three stand alone brochures, a 3 in 1document and an overview poster created Extended 2 Re-scope the solutions as text that can be “plugged into” non-EGI lead H2020 proposals Waiting on completion of the fourth solution (HTC data analysis) 3 Run two webinars Ran one on the Federated Cloud for developers 4 Prepare two webinars for May and June 2014 Planning webinars on Federated Operations and Community Driven Innovation Achieved 5 Book, prepare materials for the European Geological Union General Assembly in Vien Stand booked, two posters created, will be attended by two members of the Communications Team 6 Book and prepare materials for ECCB and EBEC Stands booked, initial material planned 7 Prepare a requirements capturing form to support face-to-face interviews. No work done 11/19/2018

6 Outreach – plans (May-Sep)
Investigate future ESFRI interactions EGI presence at “internal” events e.g. BMB workshop BBMRI meeting Discover management contacts for one-on-one discussions Use data collected during previous scoping phase Monitor ESFRI H2020 projects Focus on humanities Work with Gene Sequencing VT to produce material Work with Environmental Sciences VT to produce material Look into the need/suitability for new research champions Collect stats on the publications being published using EGI Monitor the CTA science gateway integration to feed into future outreach activities 11/19/2018

7 Scoping: Progress # Goal Achievement Status 1
Kick-off ESFRI RIs & Communities collaborations (R) Active : LifeWatch , CLARIN Env. Sciences, Astro, Seq. & protein folding Prospective VT’s are in different maturing stages LifeWatch in standby (VT objectives under discussion) CLARIN, Env. Sciences, Astro: discussion on objectives Seq. & Protein folding: scoping completed Extended 2 Kick-off ESFRI RIs & Communities collaborations (Y) Active: EMSO Agricultural Sciences EMSO in standby Agr. Sciences in good shape (objectives, use cases,…) 3 Define >= 4 VT projects Sequencing & protein folding VT PID delivered 4 Define >= 1 VT DIRAC focused No progress. DIRAC4EGI being CYFRONET. Source: Current ‘EGI Engagement Strategy’ (2014), v9 11/19/2018

8 Scoping: ESFRI coll. drill down

9 Scoping : Comm. coll. – drill down

10 Next meetings … Closing polls : 16th Apr. 2014 CoB
NGI ESFRI collaborations CLARIN            :  NGI community collaborations Astro             : Environmental Sci.:  Agricultural Sci. :  DIRAC focused project DIRAC4EGI being CYFRONET 3 dedicated EGI.CF.2014 Next step: bring new use cases Work framework: VT 11/19/2018

11 Scoping: plans (May-Sep)
# Description 1 Conclude ongoing ESFRIs & Community collaboration VT scoping activities: CLARIN, EMSO, EPOS, EuroBioImaging, IAGOS, Instruct, LifeWatch, SKA Astro, Env. Sciences, Agricultural Sci. 2 Follow-up ESFRI manager-level interactions with scoping activity (see related Outreach goal). Develop new VTs where possible. 3 Deliver >= 1 DIRAC VT focused project 11/19/2018

12 Implementation Progress
# Goal Achievement Status 1 Formally close the CTA VT VT closed, technology proposal accepted. Integration of InSilicoLab and SCI-BUS gateway is ongoing in PL Achieved 2 Formally close the ELIXIR VT and agree on follow-up actions VT closed. 2 pilots agreed (but still has to start). ELIXIR session at the EGI CF 3 Finish the CMMST VT VRC plan is finished, VRC setup started. VT will be formally closed later this week. 4 Finish the ‘Promoting Desktop Grids in EGI’ VT Progress is slower than expected. VT needs more time. Extended 5 Continue the ENVRI Study case and DRIHM collaboration ENVRI study case: ENVRI meeting. H2020 planning DRIHM collaboration. Good progress–EGI grid (& cloud), PRACE Achieved (kept) 6 Obtain status on EGI-EUDAT-PRACE pilots and agree on next steps Active community: CMMST and DRIHM DRIHM: existing allocation until the end of 2014 CMMST: Writing proposal for a PRACE allocation Extended (with new focus) 7 Start implementing new VTs Started: Business engagement with SMEs Soon to start: “Support for genome analysis and protein folding” VT 11/19/2018

13 Implementation – plans (May-Sep)
Make the EGI Federated Cloud Market ready by CF Improve Federated Cloud user services based on feedback from CF ELIXIR pilots Support for CMMST VRC setup (XSEDE, PRACE, SCI-BUS, H2020 VRE, MoU) Finish the promoting Desktop Grids VT Finish the SME VT (Sep 31) Continue the DRIHM collaboration Start and progress with NGS VT Take new VTs as they arrive 11/19/2018

14 Cross-cutting issues - progress
# Goal Achievement Status 1 New ‘user-focussed’ EGI web portal Designed started in conjunction with the policy & ops team. Extended 2 Identify a method to account for the usage of robot and short-lived certificates A possible method has been identified. Organized a meeting to propose the solution to the main EGI portal providers ( Good participation and feedback: WS-PGRADE, WeNMR, CSGF, VIP. The EGI accounting team was involved too. Agreed to run a test campaign. 3 Finish Identify (setup?) tools and processes to recognise and collect NGI/EGI-related publications. Still a manual process – See outcome on next slide Work with OpenAire to automate the process is ongoing 4 Identify additional targets for the Outreach process New VT on Business Engagement started: 11/19/2018

15 Collected EGI publications Statistics
France Greece- 108 Poland - 47 Cyprus - 60 UK - 261 Portugal - 391 Netherlands - 124 Czech republic - 413 Lithuania - 8 Bulgaria - 47 Georgia - 1 Moldova - 2 Send further input to Neasan ONeill 11/19/2018

16 Cross-cutting issues – plans (May-Sep) User Portal: first release ready for the next review User Portal: complete the design and define an implementation plan Finish the tools and processes to recognise and collect NGI/EGI-related publications in an automated way Robot Certificate accounting Test the proposed solution in collaboration with the EGI accounting team. Run end-to-end tests with at least 2 EGI science gateways Define extension to the Engagement Strategy based on outcome of the SME Business Engagement VT (will finish on Sep 31) 11/19/2018

17 Updates from the NILs 11/19/2018

18 EGI CF 2014 11/19/2018

19 Next meetings https://indico. egi. eu/indico/categoryDisplay. py
Community Forum Engagement (NIL meeting), Helsinki (May 19) Project final review (July 2-3) F2F NIL meeting July 1st After the summer (all 2pm Ams time) 17 Sep, 22 Oct, 19 Nov, 17 Dec 11/19/2018

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