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2017-2018 Benefits Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "2017-2018 Benefits Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits Overview

2 FlexRN Medical Coverage Comparisons
PLAN HIGHLIGHTS CIGNA BRONZE OPTION CIGNA SILVER OPTION CIGNA GOLD OPTION Annual Deductible Individual: $4,000/year Family: $8,000/year Individual: $2,500/year Family: $5,000/year Individual: $1,000/year Family: $2,000/year Annual Out of Pocket Max (INCUDES COPAYS & CO-INSURANCE) Member Co-Insurance Individual: $6,350/year Family: $12,700/year 70% Individual: $4,000/year Family: $8,000/year 80% 90% Office Visits / Labs Primary Care Physician Office Visit Specialist office visit Maternity/OB Visits Diagnostic Lab $30 Copay Deductible 30% $30 Copay Deductible 30% $25 Copay $50 Copay $25 Copay Deductible then 20% Deductible then 10% Preventive Care Services Routine Adult Physicals/Immunizations Well Child Exams/Immunizations Routing Gynecological Exams Routine Mammograms $0 Copay Urgent Care/Emergency Care/Hospitalization Urgent Care Provider Emergency Room Hospital Inpatient Stay Outpatient Surgery $50 Copay $150 Copay (waived if admitted) 30% up to out of pocket max of $6,350 30% up to out of pocket max of $12,700 20% up to out of pocket max of $4,000 20% up to out of pocket max of $8,000 10% up to out of pocket max of $4,000 10% up to out of pocket max of $8,000 Prescription Drug Program Generic Medication Brand Medication Non Formulary Medication $20 $40 $60 $10 $35

3 FlexRN Dental Benefits
PLAN HIGHLIGHTS METLIFE DENTAL PPO Network In Network Out Of Network Annual Deductible Individual: $50/year Family: $150/year Calendar Year Maximum Per Member Lifetime Ortho Maximum Per Member (under the age of 19) $1,750 $1,500 Type A – Diagnostic / Preventative Care Cleanings Fluoride Treatments Sealants X-Rays 100% Covered 90% Covered Type B – Basic Dental Care Filings Simple Extractions Oral Surgery Root Canal Therapy 80% Covered 70% Covered Type C – Major Dental Care Crowns Implants Dentures Bridges 50% Covered

4 FlexRN Vision Benefits
PLAN HIGHLIGHTS In Network Network Annual Exam $10 Copay Frame $25 Copay $130 Frame Allowance Lenses $55, $95, $150 Frame Allowance Contact Lenses $25 $130 Allowance

5 FlexRN Voluntary Benefits
PLAN HIGHLIGHTS MetLife Voluntary Benefits Life Insurance Increments of $10,000 may be purchased up to a maximum of 5 times your annual earnings or $100,000. Life benefits may also be purchased for your spouse and child(ren). Short Term Disability Maximum benefit amount is 60% of your gross weekly earnings up to $1,000 per week. Benefits begin after 0 days for an injury and 7 days for a sickness (including pregnancy). Long Term Disability Maximum monthly benefit is 60% of pre-disability earnings up to $6,000 per month. Benefits begin after 90 days of a disability.

6 2017-2018 Employee Premium Contribution
 PLAN EMPLOYEE ONLY EMPLOYEE & SPOUSE EMPLOYEE & CHILD(REN) EMPLOYEE & FAMILY CIGNA BRONZE OPTION $50.37 $208.71 $263.52 $442.71 CIGNA SILVER OPTION $68.41 $250.37 $313.83 $520.15 CIGNA GOLD OPTION $76.90 $270.50 $337.52 $556.61 METLIFE DENTAL $9.06 $18.03 $22.10 $33.51 VSP VISION $1.76 $2.96 $3.02 $4.87 The rates listed above include FlexRN’s contribution.

7 FlexRN Benefits The items included in this document are just a brief overview of the benefits that we offer. We also offer the following options: 401K Retirement Plan Life Insurance Long/Short Term Disability Educational Reimbursements Minimum requirement in order to qualify for benefits and maintain eligibility is 30hrs/week or 130hrs/month For Detailed medical and dental plan information, please contact the plan carrier directly

8 Benefit Contact Information Cigna Member Services……………………………………………………..……… ……… MetLife Dental Member Services…………………………………………………………………… MetLife Member Services…………………………………………….…………………………….………… VSP Member Services……………………………………………………………………………….…… FlexRN Benefits Department Tiffany Washington/Tenisha Hudson……………………………………………......…… Benefit Administration – The Capital Group, LLC Doug Gray…………………………………………….…………………………

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