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The Tay Ninh PRU and Its Role in the Phoenix Program

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1 The Tay Ninh PRU and Its Role in the Phoenix Program 1969-1970
21 October 2006 Andrew R. Finlayson Colonel, USMC (Ret.) 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

2 The Provincial Reconnaissance Unit Program
National level program run by the US CIA Target: The Viet Cong Infrastructure in South Vietnam Created in 1967 Operated in all 44 provinces of South Vietnam Action arm of the Phoenix Program Commanded by US military officers and NCOs until November 1969 and then transitioned to US CIA advisors until 1975 Strength: Approximately 4400 South Vietnamese and 80 Americans Highly successful in destroying the Viet Cong political leadership at all levels 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

3 Who Were the Tay Ninh PRU?
Local, experienced, and brave fighters Experience: Cao Dai Army, French Army, South Vietnamese Airborne, and Civilian Irregular Defense Group Strong religious affiliation with Cao Dai religious sect Deep hatred of the communists 18 man teams in each of four districts and one 18 man team (and Headquarters) in Tay Ninh City Each team consisted of three 6-man squads Lightly armed but well-equipped for their mission Weaknesses: Poorly trained, lacked fire discipline and knowledge of supporting arms Strengths: Accurate intelligence, good planning, strong local knowledge 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

4 PRU Sources of Intelligence
Civil Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS) and the District Intelligence and Operations Coordination Centers in theory provided the PRU with multiple intelligence sources for exploitation “Real World” problems worked against the theoretical system Organizational jealousy Personal intransigence “Iron Rice Bowl” attitude of both US and Vietnamese intelligence organizations 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

5 Military Intelligence Reports
US: No value Agents paid for “piece work” – volume versus accuracy Signals intelligence was very seldom provided Never provided information that was operationally exploitable by the PRU Military focus, not political South Vietnamese: No value Never provided unless the Province Chief requested the intelligence and then it was of no value 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

6 Police Reports National Police: No value Bureaucratic jealousy
Focus on urban areas and crime Notoriously inaccurate Special Branch: Limited value When provided (seldom) very exploitable Information obtained from VCI penetrations was jealously guarded and rarely shared with the PRU Provincial Interrogation Center (PIC): When shared, highly exploitable and accurate Hoi Chanhs (ralliers to South Vietnamese Government) were the best source of reliable intelligence, followed by VCI cadre 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

7 Census Grievance Data Often highly productive
Based upon surveys done in in conjunction with the national census. Every house in every village and hamlet was color-coded based upon loyalty to the central government Green: loyal Yellow: neutral Red: sympathetic to VC Labor intensive mining of data Much information was dated by 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

8 Organic PRU Intelligence
The most accurate and exploitable of all sources of intelligence Because of a lack of cooperation, the Tay Ninh PRU were forced to develop their own system of obtaining intelligence on the VCI. Assets were family and friends of the PRU PRU had an intimate knowledge of the local population, terrain, and the VCI Approximately two-thirds of all exploitable intelligence came from the organic PRU intelligence system 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

9 Why were the Tay Ninh PRU successful?
Locally recruited Intimate knowledge of the province, its people, and the enemy Strong leadership and discipline Highly motivated due to VC atrocities committed against them and their families Excellent intelligence system Difficult to penetrate because of strong family, religious and civic affiliations Paid and equipped by the US; advisors provided control, direction, pay, and support (medevac, supplies, supporting arms) 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

10 Lessons Learned: Duplicating Success Elsewhere?
Professional and civic ethic – serve the people Well trained and equipped Paid well and regularly rewarded for tangible results Unit cohesion based upon family, religious and/or community affiliations Subject to judicial and political oversight Not involved with interrogation or incarceration of prisoners – only identifying and apprehending them Families protected from reprisal Strong leadership Full access to pertinent targeting intelligence through some form of interagency coordinating group similar to the PIOCC/DIOCC system. 11/19/2018 1:11 PM HEADER / FOOTER INFORMATION (ADD PROPER CLASSIFICATION)

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