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Worship Of God Involves Knowing God

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1 Worship Of God Involves Knowing God
Malachi 1: 1 – 5

2 Introduction: Background:
Jews returned from exile to Jerusalem with high hopes. Temple rebuilt. As the years passed – they were disillusioned. Life was hard. They suffered from drought and bad crops and famine (3:11). They questioned the justice of his moral rule (2:17; 3: 14) They began to doubt the love of God (1:2)

3 I. Mal. 1. 1: God speaks through Malachi
An oracle ~ burden (AV), ‘solemn message’ Malachi ~ “my messenger” Verse 1. An oracle: The word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi. (cf. Zech. 9.1; 12.1) In times of difficulties we need to hear the voice of God.

4 II. Mal. 1. 2: God’s Elective Love is Proof of His
Love to Israel (cf. Rom ) ‘ I have loved Jacob but Esau I have hated’ Jacob ~ means ‘to hold the heel’ i. At birth, the baby Jacob’s hand took hold of the first twin, Esau (Gen ) ii. At adulthood, Jacob took hold of what belonged to Esau,…(Gen ) iii. The nation descended from Jacob was commonly called Israel – ‘an overcomer with God’ (after Jacob’s alternative name; Gen )

5 iv. His proud self-confidence had to be broken
(Gen. 32: 13-32) if he was really to receive God’s blessings. v. He became a changed man – he humbled himself before Esau and begged his forgiveness. (Gen )

6 Brokenness and humility as pre-requisites of great service.
God’s sovereign choice in election is the proof of his love. We love because He first loved us. (1 Jn. 4: 19). Loyal sacrificial service for God’s cause must be our life goal. Kindly begin!

7 III. Mal. 1. 3-4: Devastation of Edom
‘ a people always under the wrath of the Lord’ v. 4 After the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC, the Edomites migrated to Southern Judah. Those who remained were driven out by Arabs and settled in Idumea Edom completely overrun by Arab tribes in 5th century remained without settled population through the Persian period later resettled by Nabateans

8 God’s sovereign elective love is further emphasized:
Jacob - I have loved Esau - I have hated Rom: He is God the Sovereign One! See especially Rom

9 IV. Mal. 1. 5: The Greatness of the Sovereign Lord beyond
Israel He is the Lord of History, Lord of the Universe, and Lord of ALL. God is in control, is in charge, and is and always will be the God of LOVE We must rest in His Sovereign Goodness and Love and Wisdom in the midst of life’s problems and perplexities.

10 Conclusions: Some questions of God’s goodness and justice will remain unanswered in this life BUT we REST in His Sovereign Love, Wisdom and Goodness! On that note we continue to WORSHIP -, ‘Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name’ (Ps ) Ooi Chin Aik

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