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Modern Georgia 1970’s to the present.

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1 Modern Georgia 1970’s to the present

2 End of the county Unit System
County Unit System—maintained power in the rural counties even though the greater population was in the urban areas In April 1962, GA federal court ruled that this statement violated the 14th Amendment Now the majority of Georgia representatives came from the urban areas which had a greater Black population This resulted in the concept “one person, one vote”

3 Reapportionment U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Georgia’s congressional voting districts must be drawn (reapportioned) to equal population sizes This also shifted political power from the rural to the urban counties

4 Jimmy Carter Only President from Georgia Born in Plains, GA
Served in Navy then returned to GA to run his family’s warehouse, cotton gin business, and peanut farm 1962—elected to GA senate 1970—elected GA governor

5 Jimmy carter Served one term as President beginning in 1977
Created the Department of Education Presidency plagued by domestic problems of inflation and high interest rates and recession Negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt (1st time a peace treaty was signed between the two) Withdrew the US from the Olympic games in Moscow after Russia invaded Afghanistan

6 Jimmy carter Presidency (cont.) 1979—Iranian Hostage Crisis—Iranian militants took over the US Embassy and 52 Americans were taken hostage for 14 months; the hostages were released the day Carter left office

7 Jimmy carter After leaving office: Co-founder of Habitat for Humanity Works toward immunizing children in poverty- stricken countries Has written several books Continues to support politicians in the Democratic party

8 Rise of the two party system
There was a major shift in the political party support in the 1980’s and 90’s More Georgians began to vote Republican 1994—Newt Gingrich (from GA) was the Speaker of the House in Congress 2002—Sonny Perdue became the 1st Republican governor since Reconstruction

9 1996 Olympics 4 Long-Term Benefits:
Millions of $ spent to create the competition facilities (Olympic Stadium, Georgia Horse Park, GA Tech and GA State dorms) Brought international recognition to Atlanta (visitors and TV) Brought volunteer programs and employment opportunities 4. Tourism brought millions of $ to Atlanta

10 1996 Olympics Problems: Bombing at Olympic Park Severe traffic congestion—brought worldwide criticism to Atlanta’s infrastructure Aggressive street vendors

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