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Keeping Transit Affordable Lessons learned from the front lines

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Transit Affordable Lessons learned from the front lines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Transit Affordable Lessons learned from the front lines
Jake Warr, Title VI & Equity Programs Administrator

2 Local and national context

3 Poverty is increasing…

4 …somewhat consistently by race/ethnicity…
Source: US Census Bureau

5 …but not in the Portland region.

6 Meanwhile… Portland MSA
Source: Housing & Transportation Affordability Index, Center for Neighborhood Technology

7 Not to mention… Image credit:
Image credit: Image credit:

8 What is the role for transit agencies?

9 Traditional Approaches
Free or discounted tickets and passes for non-profit organizations Discounted fares for seniors and people with disabilities (required by FTA) Discounted monthly passes

10 New(ish) Models Comprehensive low-income fare programs Fare capping
Longer transfer times

11 Trimet’s experience

12 What we’ve heard Fare affordability one of most common topics brought up by community Different riders use fares differently Opportunity for targeted strategies (e.g. extended transfer times) Current program not reaching all who need assistance

13 Low-income Fare Program
& Challenges Opportunities $$$ Political will Current agencies/ partners purchasing fares Administration Eligibility Clarity of mission Electronic fare media Local Advocacy

14 Next steps* Peer review Cost modeling
Identification of potential funding sources Convene partners/stakeholders/community Determine administration *Not necessarily sequential

15 Thank you! Jake Warr

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