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The Elements of Suspense

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1 The Elements of Suspense

2 All Stories Contain Certain Elements
Plot Character Setting Dialogue Narrative

3 Suspense According to Merriam-Webster online, suspense is “the feeling or state of nervousness or excitement caused by wondering what will happen.”

4 Plot: Intro The Dramatic Question Conflict The Twist Conclusion

5 Introduction Here we meet the main characters and the main setting.
The premise of the story is introduced to us

6 The Dramatic Question In suspense there must be an unknown; a suspicion, a mystery, a danger we expect This is often part of the introduction

7 Conflict Character vs Character Character vs Self Character vs Nature
Character vs The Supernatural Character vs Society *Conflict is used to maintain our interest and build suspense

8 The Twist Something unexpected happens
The person we suspected in not really the villain Essentially, there is an unexpected plot twist

9 Conclusion The Dramatic Question in answered

10 Characters The Hero: Usually flawed, but solves the mystery or answers the dramatic question The Villain: Commits wrong doing, harms others, commits crimes

11 The Duality of Man Duality means two sided or having two qualities
In basic terms, we can think of man as being two parts: soul and body; good and evil. Essentially, man is two-sided: he has his public appearance (the good) and his hidden side (the evil)

12 Characters & The Duality of Man
All characters (hero and villain) have the potential to show duality Look for this when we look at stories by Poe

13 Connection Think of examples in pop culture (stories, movies, TV, etc.) where we see the duality of man. *For Example Walter White in Breaking Bad

14 Ways To Create Suspense
Narrative Elements Ways To Create Suspense

15 Suspense (mystery, intrigue, tension) is built with:
Facts Innuendo Atmosphere Action

16 Ways to deepen suspense…
Dreams foreshadowing what may happen showing the character’s deepest fears, his haunting past

17 Ways to deepen suspense…
Clues journals / diaries / letters / notes / pictures, etc. physical evidence that can be used to determine time of death, how, and where

18 Ways to deepen suspense…
Pathetic Fallacy The weather or the season match the characters’ emotional state

19 Ways to deepen suspense…
The Senses the smell of blood, the stench of an alley the taste of fear reaction to finding a dead body the feel of blood-soaked clothing

20 Ways to deepen suspense…
The Villain his/her motivations or intentions simple greed, jealousy, money the complicated serial killer mind

21 Ways to deepen suspense…
Other characters plant red herrings shift suspicion onto them

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