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The Supernatural An introduction to the Supernatural and the Gothic

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1 The Supernatural An introduction to the Supernatural and the Gothic
To explore concepts and terminology used in the supernatural genre To compare classical texts with aspects of supernatural by applying key terms To compare more modern supernatural texts to explore how stories have evolved

2 Home Learning by next week
1. Continue reading Beloved 2. Short essay: What is the supernatural genre and why does it continue to be popular? Your answer should be structured around the following questions: · What is the supernatural? · What are examples of supernatural/gothic texts and what are the connecting elements? · Why are we still interested in supernatural novels today?

3 Component 2: Prose (Exam)
44 marks; 40% weighting; Exam length: 1 hour One essay from a choice of two questions on two texts on the theme of the Supernatural AO 1 (write a good essay) AO2 (author’s methods and the effect) AO3 (significance of context) Text 1: Dracula by Bram Stoker (Oxford World’s Classics, ) Text 2: Beloved by Toni Morrison (Reading Guide Edition. Vintage Classics, )

4 What do you know already?
List as many supernatural films/TV/books as you can remember What do these suggest about the reason this genre continues to be popular? What are some of the key features of the supernatural?

5 On your own look closely at the painting you have been given Make brief notes on what you see, for example: 1. which part attracts your attention most and why you think this is 2. three or four adjectives describing the emotions it arouses in you any questions you want to ask of it 3. connections to any films, novels, poems, or other paintings you’ve seen or read. The Nightmare by John Fuseli ) Be prepared to feed back your thoughts about this painting in whole class discussion, drawing together any points that you can generalise from your individual responses.

6 The first Supernatural text?Metamorphoses by Ovid (8 BC)
  In Greek mythology, Lycaon (/laɪˈkeɪɒn/; Greek: Λυκάων) was a king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and Meliboea, who in the most popular version of the myth tested Zeus by serving him the roasted flesh of his son Nyctimus in order to see whether Zeus was truly omniscient. In return for these gruesome deeds Zeus transformed Lycaon into the form of a wolf, and killed Lycaon's fifty other sons with lightning bolts; Nyctimus was restored to life.

7 A History of the Supernatural Text

8 Looking at Supernatural texts
Compare the seven older extracts you have been given and fill out the grid: What elements of the supernatural/Gothic can you find? Look at settings, character, lexical clusters (for example words to do with darkness), style (is there anything distinctive about the sentence lengths and structure or the use of punctuation?) Now do the same for the modern extracts you have been given. What similarities and differences can you see? In pairs/groups write a recipe for a Supernatural novel

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