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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!


3 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

4 “The Masque of the Red Death”
“The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” Literary/Poetry Terms The Life of Poe Poetry More Poetry $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

5 The Life of Poe

6 Literary/Poetry Terms

7 “The Masque of the Red Death”

8 Poetry

9 “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”

10 More Poetry

11 “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”
The Life of Poe Literary/ Poetry Terms “The Masque of the Red Death” Poetry More Poetry Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

12 The name and age (when he married her) of Poe’s wife.

13 Who is Virginia Clemm, age 12?
$100 Who is Virginia Clemm, age 12? Scores

14 The disease which caused so much personal tragedy for Poe.
$200 The disease which caused so much personal tragedy for Poe.

15 $200 What is tuberculosis? Scores

16 The main reason why Edgar did not get along with his foster father.
$300 The main reason why Edgar did not get along with his foster father.

17 $300 What is that his foster father continuously and openly cheated on his foster mother? Scores

18 The amount of money Poe earned for “The Raven”.
$400 The amount of money Poe earned for “The Raven”.

19 $400 What is $14? Scores

20 $500 The genre of which Edgar Allen Poe is credited as being the “father of”.

21 $500 What is the short story?

22 $100 The lesson or message the author wants the reader to learn from piece of writing.

23 $100 What is the theme? Scores

24 $200 A poetic foot with two syllables, the first one unstressed and the second one stressed.

25 $200 What is an iamb? Scores

26 $300 A story with a surface meaning and a second symbolic meaning.

27 $300 What is an allegory? Scores

28 Daily Double

29 $400 The meter of the following poem: And so to bed the night is still
so sleep and thrill in dreams ahead.

30 $400 What is iambic dimeter?

31 $500 A reference to another famous author, event, work of literature or art within a piece of writing.

32 $500 What is an allusion? Scores

33 $100 The mood of this story.

34 What is suspenseful and frightening?
$100 What is suspenseful and frightening? Scores

35 The amount of Prospero’s population that died before he took refuge.
$200 The amount of Prospero’s population that died before he took refuge.

36 $200 What is half? Scores

37 The reason we (the reader) cannot always trust what Prospero tells us.
$300 The reason we (the reader) cannot always trust what Prospero tells us.

38 $300 What is he is an unreliable narrator? (possibly insane; the masque may have been all in his head as in a dream before he died of the plague) Scores

39 The reason the ebony clock makes the revelers so uncomfortable.
$400 The reason the ebony clock makes the revelers so uncomfortable.

40 What is it reminds them that their time to live is limited?
$400 What is it reminds them that their time to live is limited? Scores

41 The allegorical theme of the story.
$500 The allegorical theme of the story.

42 $500 What is it doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are or how much you try to protect yourself, death is inevitable? Scores

43 The sets of lines by which a poem can be divided into sections.
$100 The sets of lines by which a poem can be divided into sections.

44 $100 What are stanzas? Scores

45 The theme of “Do not go Gentle into that Good Night”.
$200 The theme of “Do not go Gentle into that Good Night”.

46 What is you must never give up fighting for what you want?
$200 What is you must never give up fighting for what you want? Scores

47 Example: “Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.”
$300 Example: “Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.”

48 $300 What is alliteration? Scores

49 “Uncoiling” is an example of this type of poetry.
$400 “Uncoiling” is an example of this type of poetry.

50 What is concrete poetry?
$400 What is concrete poetry? Scores

51 The difference between blank verse and free verse.
$500 The difference between blank verse and free verse.

52 $500 What is blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter and free verse is unrhymed and has no specific meter? Scores

53 $100 The difference between Macomber and Wilson.

54 What is Wilson is a macho man and Macomber only pretends to be?
$100 What is Wilson is a macho man and Macomber only pretends to be? Scores

55 The reason Margot is ashamed of Macomber after the first hunt.
$200 The reason Margot is ashamed of Macomber after the first hunt.

56 What is he acted like a coward and couldn’t kill the lion?
$200 What is he acted like a coward and couldn’t kill the lion? Scores

57 The reason Margot kisses Wilson in front of her husband.
$300 The reason Margot kisses Wilson in front of her husband.

58 $300 What is to make him feel ashamed of himself for not stepping up and killing the lion the way a “real” man would? Scores

59 The “hunters code” that Macomber violates.
$400 The “hunters code” that Macomber violates.

60 What is he shoots from inside a vehicle, which is considered cowardly?
$400 What is he shoots from inside a vehicle, which is considered cowardly? Scores

61 $500 The meaning of title.

62 $500 What is Macomber is happy when he finally kills the buffalo and stands up for himself, but it is short-lived because Margot immediately kills him? Scores

63 $100 The rhyme scheme of the following poem:
“The Eagle” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring’d with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls.

64 $100 What is AAABBB? Scores

65 The theme of “Success is Counted Sweetest”
$200 The theme of “Success is Counted Sweetest”

66 $200 What is success is always sweeter to those who have suffered failure first? Scores

67 Type of poetry that tells a story.
$300 Type of poetry that tells a story.

68 What is narrative poetry?
$300 What is narrative poetry? Scores

69 $400 The parent’s foreboding in “The Bridegroom” when Natasha ran in distraught and would not say where she had been is an example of this literary device.

70 $400 What is foreshadowing?

71 $500 Type of poetic foot which has two syllables following a stressed then unstressed pattern.

72 $500 What is a trochee? Scores

73 Final Jeopardy Question
Through the Tunnel Final Jeopardy Question Scores

74 Explain the symbolism of the tunnel and what it means to Jerry.

75 The tunnel symbolizes his independence from his mother
The tunnel symbolizes his independence from his mother. It is important to Jerry that he conquer this task and prove to himself that he is growing up. Scores


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