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Presentation on theme: "DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES"— Presentation transcript:

PETITIONS The interpretation of Art 51 Charter: stricter or broader application of the Charter to national measures?

2 The aim of the study To assess critically the extent of application of CFR to national measures Examines case law pre- and post-Charter Examines current case law Considers some of the petitions received by PETI Argues for more courageous approach by EU and CJ

3 Art 51 CFR FRs apply to national measures when MSs ‘implement’ EU law; some MSs (e.g. UK) fear FRs might be gateway to impinge on MSs competences Art 51 modified / Lisbon Treaty  stress on ‘respecting limits of powers of EU’ and Charter does not ‘extend’ application of EU law beyond EU powers Recent case law more cautious

4 Case law on application of Charter: Variable interpretation
Expansive interpretation  strong EU interest/ internal market (e.g. VAT) Limited application to executing authorities  effectiveness of EU co-ordination (e.g. Asylum, EAW) Charter does not apply: Siragusa test  FRs as instrumental to EU aims Narrow interpretation citizenship

5 Main problems with FRs in EU
Weak protection in FRs sensitive areas (Asylum, EAW)  mutual trust presumes a certain level of FRs protection; no effective EU mechanism for FRs protection Citizens have an expectation that (at least when moving) they enjoy FRs protection as a matter of EU law ( petitions)

6 Petitions raising FRs concerns
3 main groups of petitions: no discernible link with EU law potential connnection to EU law relating to infringements of foundational principles (Art 2 TEU) COM approach is based on CJ EU jurisprudence  overall justifiable (with some exceptions)

7 A more courageous approach?
Generally FRs should be considered as aim in themselves  also enabling correct functioning of internal market Co-ordination cases  more careful scrutiny might lead EU / MSs to push for FRs protection (Art 51(2) CFR no bar) Citizenship cases  return to principled and constitutional interpretation

8 Presentation by Professor Eleanor SPAVENTA
Law School, Durham University (Logo) Policy Department Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs Responsible Administrators: Martina SCHONARD, Ottavio MARZOCCHI


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