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Presentation on theme: "ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY A beginners guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY A beginners guide

2 Assistive technology is
“ An umbrella term for any device or system that allows an individual to perform a task they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which the task can be performed” A glossary of terms for community healthcare and older people. WHO 2004 “ a range of gadgets that can help people be more independent and do things for themselves” Gadgets, Gizmos and Gaining Independence. Advance Housing 2007

3 What it includes Electronic AT
Telecare- gadgets that can sense what is happening in someone's home and call for help if is required Telemedicine- gadgets that a person wears that can check their health Smart Homes – homes that have computers that can do things like make curtains open and close Communication Aids- a large range of computers, programmes and telephones that help communication

4 Telecare “ provided at a distance using information and communication technology. Telecare is the continuous, automatic and remote monitoring of real time emergencies and lifestyle changes over time in order to manage the risks associated with independent living” Getting Started – telecare ICES/Dh 2005

5 Telecare Telephone services usually to a service centre . Alarms
e.g. Pendant alarms – where you can call for help or advice e.g. if you fall or are worried about something. Sensors to let the call centre know if you are moving around your home or going out, if you are in bed or not, if you are having a seizure. They can also be used to detect gas leaks, floods or fire so that either the right help can be contacted or the call centre can get the right emergency service to you Sensors can also be used to activate a response to something you do e.g. to switch the lights on if you get out of bed at night, or operate reminders e.g. as you go out the door – have you taken you medication ??

6 Telemedicine Smart homes Communication aids
Usually you wear a device a like a watch that can tell if you are unwell. Sometimes this can be connected to the telecare system to alert support Smart homes Pioneered by Joseph Rowntree foundation. Equipment and switches and computers- can open doors switch on lights, activate phones and computers Communication aids A variety of computers systems

7 Where can I get more information
Telecare Lancashire telecare partnership Local contact Housing Pendle Susan Lund Have a house available for visits to see some equipment for real( Tues pm and wed am ) Gadgets, Gizmos and gaining Independence booklet with lots of info and examples. Published by advance Housing and Support ltd

8 Communication See SLT and communication group....
Clare Sherliker may 07

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