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Health: Century21.Job # 1 (HC21.J1) Tom Peters/

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1 Health: Century21.Job # 1 (HC21.J1) Tom Peters/0426.2006

2 Quality! Prevention! Wellness! Chronic care! Childhood obesity! H5N1!

3 Quality! Prevention! Wellness! Chronic care! Childhood obesity! H5N1!

4 2m38s

5 Welcome to the Homer Simpson Hospital a/k/a The Killing Fields

6 “When I climb Mount Rainier I face less risk of death than I’ll face on the operating table.” —Don Berwick, “Six Keys to Safer Hospitals: A Set of Simple Precautions Could Prevent 100,000 Needless Deaths Every Year,” Newsweek ( )

7 The Ultimate “Culture Change” “Healthcare” vs. “Health”

8 Quality (100K+ deaths) “Evidence/Outcomes-based” medicine IS/IT-in-health(care) revolution Wellness/Prevention Health“care” to Health “culture” transformation Wash your hands! Home-care (as the population rapidly ages) Med-school re-orientation “Public health” emphasis Childhood Obesity Mind-boggling (15 years?) social-moral-technological impact of life sciences (“the Singularity”?) H5N1/WMDs/Environmental degradation Risk assessment (private, public) Market opportunity Public vs/+ Private responsibilities & partnerships Africa! (Unconscionable failure to attend to/staggering Health consequences for all)

9 Childhood obesity epidemic …………………………….. D-
Re-imagine Healthcare: Reportcard2006 Evidence-based/Outcomes-based ……………….……… D Pay-for-performance ………………………………………….… D IS/IT (general) ………………………………..………………..…. C- Use of information (for decisionmaking-measurement) .… C- EMR (Electronic Medical Records) ……………………..….... C-/D CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry) ……….……. C-/D Quality/100K+ unnecessary deaths …………..……… D-(kind) Acute care to chronic care-home care shift ………….….... D/D- Acute-care to Prevention/Wellness Obsession…..… D/D- Patient-centric/Client-centric………………………………….. D Docs’ acceptance of “evidence-based” ………… … D/D- “Revolutionary”-intensity Incentives re evidence …..……. D- Childhood obesity epidemic …………………………….. D- H5N1 preparedness ………………………………….…….. D Corporate focus on Prevention/Wellness…………..…..…..... C-/D Individual focus on Prevention/Wellness…………………..… D Individuals’ health education/self-management …….…...…. C- Workforce acceptance of self-responsibility ….…….…...….. C- Workforce transition to “Brand You” attitude……..……..….. C-/D 3 March 2006/Tom Peters

10 “If God spoke to me by saying, ‘Mark, you’re down to your last three words: What would you want to say to your fellow humans that would make the most positive impact?’ It would be a close call between Love Thy Neighbor and Wash Your Hands . A close third would be Move, Move, Move.” —Mark Pettus, M.D., The Savvy Patient “The most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands. ” —CDC/National Center for Infectious Diseases

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