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Assessment Activities

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1 Assessment Activities
SS2H1 – The student will read about and describe the lives of historical figures in GA history b. Describe how everyday life of these historical figures is similar to and different from everyday life in the present (food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation, rights, and freedoms). Limited or Minimum Progress toward achievement of standard (1) Student is not able to describe how his/her everyday life is similar to and different from the lives of historical figures taught during this grading period. Progressing toward achievement of standard (2) Student is able to describe how his/her everyday life is similar to and different from some of the lives of historical figures taught during this grading period. Consistently and independently achieves the standard (3) Student consistently and independently describes how his/her everyday life is similar to and different from all of the lives of historical figures taught during this grading period. Assessment Activities Have students complete a compare/contrast graphic organizer to show how their life is different from the life of each historical figure. Students could create an interactive Venn Diagram to compare/contrast life of the historical figure and life today. Have students write a paragraph about how their life is different from the life of the historical figure. Search Vanishing Georgia Archives for images students can use to identify various features (transportation, housing, clothing, etc) that are different from their own. Add everyday life to the anchor chart for each historic figure. See Assessment Activities SS2H1a. Have students complete a Venn Diagram to compare/contrast the life of the historic figure under study to life today. Instructional Notes: Students should know: people in the past had different kinds of food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation, rights and freedoms from people today. some things will change over time, while other things will stay the same. During the 2nd grading period: how life today is similar to and different from the lives of James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and Sequoyah. During the 3rd grading period: how life is different today than it was during the days of Jackie Robinson and Dr. King. During the 4th grading period: how life has changed in Georgia and the U.S. since Jimmy Carter was president. Instructional Websites: Webquest – Jimmy Carter and his life in Georgia Vanishing Georgia Archives Word Magnets – Type the words you want to display in the Venn diagram. Then click next and change to select the Venn diagram. Arrange each word in the correct section. 1

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