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Facebook Video Ad Created the copy and ad, and did all of the setup, bidding, budgeting, targeting and monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Video Ad Created the copy and ad, and did all of the setup, bidding, budgeting, targeting and monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook Video Ad Created the copy and ad, and did all of the setup, bidding, budgeting, targeting and monitoring.

2 Facebook Newsfeed Ad Created the copy and ad, and did all of the setup, bidding, budgeting, targeting and monitoring.

3 Facebook Newsfeed Ad Created the copy and ad, and did all of the setup, bidding, budgeting, targeting and monitoring.

4 AdWords Text Ad Created the ads. I also did all the targeting, setup, bidding, budgeting and monitoring.

5 AdWords Display Ad Gave creative direction. I also did all the setup, targeting, bidding, budgeting and monitoring.

6 LinkedIn Sponsored Ad Gave creative direction. I also did all the targeting, bidding, budgeting and monitoring.

7 Twitter Sponsored Tweet
Did all the setup, targeting, bidding, budgeting and monitoring.

8 Landing Page Examples Wrote all the copy and laid out the landing page

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