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Before class You may find it helpful to review unit 3 material.

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Presentation on theme: "Before class You may find it helpful to review unit 3 material."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before class You may find it helpful to review unit 3 material

2 Today’s goals Review unit 3 material
Discuss strategies and content for podcast introductions Begin developing detailed strategies for each students podcast walking tour

3 Unit 3 review Form up into unit 4 groups
These can be any combination of 3-4 students of your choice Will last until the end of the semester Group with the most points at the end of the activity will receive +10 extra credit points on the upcoming quiz

4 Unit 3 review What are the three stages of evaluation?
(You must name all three for a point)

5 evaluative writing Stages:
1. Analyze the genre/familiarize yourself with the genre 2. Develop/consider criteria for success 3. Show how a subject is a success (or not)

6 Unit 3 review What is a podcast?
Must name all three requirements of a podcast for points

7 The podcast genre Definitions: 1. Noun 2. Verb
a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. 2. Verb make (a digital audio file) available as a podcast. Origin: blend of “broadcast” and “ipod.” Created between

8 Unit 3 review What are the three main sections of closed form prose writing? What are the three elements of an introduction? Must name all three for points A single group can only get points for one question

9 Class discussion- closed form prose
General closed form prose: Thesis Topic Sentences for each paragraph Forecasting and fulfillment Clear Transitions Engaging Introduction Textual evidence (type varies by genre) Closed form prose structure has 3 general sections: Introduction Engaging hook Thesis forecasting Body One or more paragraphs for each element forecasted Provide main evidence to support thesis Can sometimes address counterarguments or contradictory material Conclusion Restate thesis Leave readers with new questions or future research ideas Do not state counterarguments

10 Unit 3 review What are unity, coherence, and transitions?
1 point possible per definition

11 Closed form prose vocabulary
Topic sentence Unity Coherence Transitions

12 Unit 3 review What are three of the thesis strategies we discussed in unit 3? Must name three for points. 9 possible answers, so 3 points available for this question

13 Class discussion- thesis development
Important thesis strategies: Short/concise (Usually one sentence. No more than 2 clauses) Main idea of the essay (your overall evaluation) Strongly stated Active voice Should be able to stand alone and be understood Avoid vague pronouns; be specific Should occur near the beginning of the essay, most commonly in the last few sentences of the first paragraph Should be strongly stated and easy to identify It is ok to have first person in the thesis for this essay (although not usually in closed form prose) Avoid tensionless statements and counterarguments, like “this podcast has good and bad points.” Take a stance!

14 Extra credit opportunities
Can replace your lowest quiz grade or make up for an absence Most will involve a short activity and a brief reflection Extra credit opportunities Environmental movie night – 11/17 English movie day 11/25 during regular class time Reflective VLOG – 5 minute video posted on your blog by 12/4

15 Podcast walking tour overview
Introduction Directions between locations Locations and their descriptions/informations Conclusion

16 Class discussion- podcast introductions
What was your experience listening to the introductions of the podcast walking tours that you analyzed? Was there anything particularly interesting? What is the goal of a podcast introduction? What type of content or information should be included in a podcast walking tour introduction?

17 Podcast introductions
Hook Greetings Overview of location Outline of podcast Using the audio tour/MP3 player (do not include for your

18 Podcast introductions
Usage of Persona Should include 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person 1st person – greeting your audience and introducing yourself 2nd person – address audience about expectations and directions 3rd person – reporting facts and details about your locations

19 Class activity- podcast planning
In your unit 3 groups Share your proposed podcast walking tour topics and answer the following questions for EACH student What is something interesting or surprising about my location that could be a good hook? (Rely on your groupmates to determine what is interesting/surprising) What are the most important locations that will definitely be covered in your podcast? Describe the mood/atmosphere of your location in a couple words. What kind of music (in terms of genres or instruments) would be helpful in your podcast to convey this mood? How will you keep listener interest during your podcast? (Hint: keep your audience in mind and think of 1 strategy per student)

20 homework Bring computers/laptops to class on Wednesday
If you have external microphones for use with these, bring them as well Ipads or tablets can be an acceptable substitute but are not preferred Podcast Walking Tour – Draft 1 250+ words Should include your introduction and directions to the first location within your tour

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