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Welcome Students and Parents!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Students and Parents!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Students and Parents!
Please introduce yourself to your teacher. Can you find your desk? Check to see which cabinet has your backpack hook. Take a tour of the room. Parents, please fill out the transportation sheet so I know how your child gets home from school. Don’t forget to check the list in the back of the room to see if I have a correct address for you. Students, if you brought school supplies, place all items in your desk. We will unpack them tomorrow. Presentations will be given at 4:15 and 5:15.

2 Ms. DeFurio’s Second Grade Class

3 All About Me My background My experience
I am originally from Pittsburgh, Pa. I have also lived in Boston, Ma and in Lisbon, Portugal. My family has lived in Colorado since We recently moved here from Fort Collins. My husband and I have a one year old, Oliver, and a little dog named Filipa. We love to hike, camp and snowboard. My experience I received a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of Denver in 2007. I have taught first grade for six years in Boulder, Carbondale and Fort Collins. I am really excited to be moving up to second grade.

4 Welcome to Second Grade!
BES Mission: To empower students to meet the challenges of the future by providing them with the essential knowledge, skills, and experiences to become responsible, successful, well-rounded, lifelong learners who can make a positive contribution to society. My Goal: To create a classroom community where all children feel safe, loved, and nurtured. I want my students to be comfortable taking risks and making mistakes! I set high expectations for each child and I provide her with the support she needs to be successful. We also work on building positive relationships with others through character education and by helping students to develop personal responsibility and civic mindedness.

5 My Goals To provide a supportive, safe, and engaging classroom environment. To help your child grow in his reading, writing, math, and social skills. To communicate effectively with students and their families.

6 Assessments Common Assessments DIBELS Next
Students are given a passage to read in 1 minute. Teachers are looking for accuracy, fluency and comprehension. This will happen three times over the year. Common Assessments Weekly spelling and reading tests that relate to our reading curriculum. Project based assessment for science and social studies. Math Assessments Math Facts Rubrics to assess writing

7 Daily Schedule Second Grade Schedule Second graders eat lunch at 11:00
7:55 - Morning Bell (Tardy Bell 8:00) 8:00-8:20: Morning Meeting 8:25-8:55: Math RTI 8:55-9:45: Math 10:00-10:50: Explore 11:00-11:40 Lunch/Recess 11:40-12:40: Writing 12:45-1:00: Recess 1:00-2:00: WIN (What I Need) 2:00-3:00: Core Reading 3:10 - Afternoon Bell Your child will participate in five explore classes. These include; Music, Art, P.E, Computer Lab, and Spanish We have library on Mondays. Please send Library books to school every Monday. Second graders eat lunch at 11:00 Your child is encouraged to bring a healthy snack for morning and afternoon.

8 Reading These five components of reading are key to a child’s success!
Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary Research suggests that second grade students should be reading for 90 minutes per day. We encourage you to read with your child for at least 15 minutes every evening.

9 Writing We will have a daily writer’s workshop with a mini-lesson, quiet writing time, and time to share. I will confer with students to help them focus on specific skills to improve their writing. Students will go through the writing process (e.i., plan, draft, edit, revision, and publishing). We will use checklists and rubrics to help students improve their writing through peer and self assessment.

10 Topics covered in second grade include, but are not limited to:
addition/subtraction strategies place value to 100 counting money mental addition/subtraction two-digit addition/subtraction with regrouping geometry fractions measurement time During our math block students will use Montessori Math manipulatives. New concepts will be introduced in small groups and students will practice with math manipulatives. An emphasis will be placed on explaining our mathematical thinking using academic vocabulary. Topics covered in second grade include, but are not limited to: addition/subtraction strategies, place value to 100, counting money, mental addition/subtraction, two-digit addition/subtraction with regrouping, geometry, fractions, measurement, probability, multiplication and division!

11 Science On delayed start Wednesdays we will cover Science and Social Studies Standards. Students will rotate through all classrooms for a more in depth learning experience. In science we will study force of motion, habitats, plants, animals, and weather. In social studies we will study communities of the past, geography, scarcity, economics and civics.

12 Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
PLCs are collaborative teams of professionals. The professional learning community model offers the opportunity for higher levels of learning for all students. Bayfield School District has implemented a delayed start on some Wednesdays to provided teachers with the time needed for PLC. Please see district calendar. The first delayed start Wednesday will be on August 31st.

13 Classroom Environment
We will focus on the 3 B’s: Be Safe Be Respectful Be a Responsible Learner We will have daily class meetings to encourage a sense of community and shared responsibility for the classroom environment. We will focus on a character trait each month and recognize students who are leaders and role models. Students will be taught “behaviors that let you learn.”

14 Homework Baggy Book: Spelling words: Math
Students are expected to read 15 minutes each night. Students check out books from the classroom library (my personal book collection). Students’ are asked to be responsible with these books. If a book is lost or damaged, please let me know so that we can work together to replace the book. Reading will be recorded in each child’s monthly reading log. Spelling words: Spelling words are based on student’s phonics skills and spelling lists will be determined by students’ WIN time teacher. Math We will be sending home information on how to access the website MobyMax soon.

15 Family Participation Please get involved in our classroom this year!
Studies show that students are much more successful when their families are involved with their teacher to create a team atmosphere! There is a volunteer sign up sheet if you are interested in helping out in the classroom, taking on clerical duties, or party planning. is a great way to get a hold of me! Please subscribe to my webpage on the BES site. departments/2nd grade team/ Carrie DeFurio

16 Let’s Have a Great Year! Ms. DeFurio School: 884-9571 ex. 2027
Thank you for your participation in tonight’s Open House! Please make sure you have been to the back table and filled out the information needed.

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