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What a Wonderful World Louis Armstrong Jazz Singer and

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Presentation on theme: "What a Wonderful World Louis Armstrong Jazz Singer and"— Presentation transcript:

1 What a Wonderful World Louis Armstrong 1901-1971 Jazz Singer and

2 Warm-up What do you think makes a wonderful world?
What does Louis Armstrong think makes a wonderful world?

3 Idiom “rose-colored glasses”- if someone thinks about or looks at something with rose-colored glasses, they think it is more pleasant than it really is He sees the world through rose colored glasses.

4 Agreeing and Disagreeing Linking: wouldja, couldja, doncha
Week 2: The Environment Agreeing and Disagreeing Topic starters Linking: wouldja, couldja, doncha

5 Quote of the Day: Environment
“What‘s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable 可容忍 planet to put it on?”  ― Henry David Thoreau In your notebooks, write the quote and answer. “I think this quote is saying that…” (summarize) “I agree/disagree because…” (give your opinion)

6 Partner Talk What issues do these quotes raise?
Are we destroying our earth? How? Who is responsible to care for it?

7 What are ways that we can protect the environment?
What are ways that companies can protect the environment? What are ways that the government can protect the environment?

8 Pronunciation: Linking

9 /d/ sound at the end of the word +/j/ at the beginning of the next word = /dʒ/
Didja (Did you) Wouldja (Would you) Couldja (Could you)

10 /t/ sound at the end of the word +/j/ at the beginning of the next word = /ʧ/
Didncha (Didn’t you) Doncha (Don’t you)

11 Practice Practice linking by reading these sentences aloud with your partner.

12 Topic Starters These sentences are all examples of topic starters.
Have a conversation with your small group. You should: Greet each other informally Use a topic starter to begin your conversation Share your opinion As far as I’m concerned… Personally, I think… What do you think? Keep the conversation going!

13 Please Get out your homework and leave it on your desk

14 Health Speech

15 Agreeing and Disagreeing

16 Agreeing Exactly. Definitely. I completely agree
Agreeing Exactly! Definitely! I completely agree. You’re absolutely right! “You hit the nail on the head.” Conceding You may be right about that. You may have something there. You may have a point. That’s true, but on the other hand… Disagreeing I know what you mean, but… I’m not sure I agree with you. I hate to disagree with you but… Some people say…but… A lot of people think…but in reality… I can see your point, but I don't really agree with it. That’s more or less true, but… Convincing/Persuading The fact of the matter is… It’s clear that… It’s obvious that… You can’t deny that… You have to agree that…

17 Agree or Disagree Summer is the best season.

18 Agree or Disagree Women can do everything men can do.

19 Agree or Disagree Panda bears are the cutest animals.

20 Inside/Outside Circle
Greet each other Use the topic starter Share your opinion Ask for opinion Agree/disagree

21 Do you think its important to teach our children not to litter?
Do you think littering is a problem at Sias?

22 What do you think are the greatest causes of air pollution in China?
What can be done to reduce air pollution?

23 Did you know that it can take up to 500 years for a diaper to decompose?
Do you plan to use diapers for your children?

24 Do you usually recycle? Is it easy to recycle at Sias? What do you think about recycling?

25 Next Week: Classwork Assessment 1, Debates
3 topics, 1 pro and 1 con per topic 8-10 students per topic, 4-5 pro and 4-5 con 1 minute per speaker EVERYONE must speak Homework: Research your topic with your group Prepare facts and examples Practice agreeing and disagreeing Use opinion phrases

26 Debate Topics Should parents adopt the use of disposable diapers instead of the traditional split pants? Should schools begin using a more western educational style? Is the college entrance exam putting a dangerous amount of pressure on high school students? Yes: Give the pros No: Give the cons

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