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Scotch Thistle Biennial Pink to lavender flowers

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1 Scotch Thistle Biennial Pink to lavender flowers
Long needle-like bracts 5 to 10 feet tall, largest weedy thistle Stems are winged entire length to the base of each flower head Leaves appear dusty-green to silver due to thick covering of hairs (trichomes) Hairs can inhibit herbicide penetration

2 Needle-like bracts, winged stem Mature plants up to 10 feet tall
Scotch Thistle Onopordum acanthium Needle-like bracts, winged stem Typical rosette Mature plants up to 10 feet tall Silver-gray foliage

3 Scotch Thistle

4 Spotted Knapweed Biennial or short-lived perennial
Arguably the most rapidly spreading range weed in the West Aggressive competitor, allelopathic Involucre bracts are oval-shaped and tipped with a small dark comb-like fringe Reproduces only by seed 1,200 seeds per plant, viable for 5 years

5 Spotted Knapweed Centaurea maculosa
Flowers pinkish-purple Dark tipped bracts Two to three feet tall, deep tap root, spreads only by seed Rosette leaves deeply lobed

6 Spotted Knapweed

7 Squarrose Knapweed Perennial with deep TAP ROOT
Regrows from crown buds Reproduces by seed only Mature seed head mostly deciduous Involucre bracts tipped with curved spines

8 Bract tips are recurved Deeply lobed gray-green leaves
Squarrose Knapweed Centaurea virgata Small pink flower heads Bract tips are recurved Stems are highly branched Deeply lobed gray-green leaves

9 Squarrose Knapweed

10 Yellow Starthistle Winter annual 1 to 3 feet tall
Winged stems (like ribbons or fins) Poisonous to horses Causes Chewing Disease Very well adapted to the arid West Reproduces only by seeds

11 Yellow Starthistle Centaurea solstitialis Mature plant, 1-3 feet tall
Yellow flowers, spine-tipped bracts Winged stems Mature plant, 1-3 feet tall Seedling leaves deeply lobed

12 Yellow Starthistle

13 Downy Brome Also called cheatgrass or junegrass Winter annual
6 to 24 inches tall Highly flammable, increasing the fire frequency of a landscape Seed heads droop Reproduces only by seed Seeds get caught in socks, clothing, and fur

14 Downy Brome Bromus tectorum
Narrow leaves, hairy stem Drooping seed head Alters ecosystems by increasing fire frequency Barbed seeds

15 Downy Brome

16 Russian Olive DECIDUOUS tree Large olive-like seeds
Sharp, woody thorns Silver-green or sage-colored leaves Usually found near water

17 Sharp thorns, sage-green leaves Mature plants, 15-40 feet tall
Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia Sharp thorns, sage-green leaves Olive-like fruit Mature plants, feet tall Dried fruit

18 Russian Olive

19 Saltcedar (Tamarisk) Deciduous or EVERGREEN shrub
Five to twenty feet tall Poor food production for birds Displacing many native plants along rivers and streams Removes salt from soil and deposits it on soil surface

20 Leaves are small and scale-like
Saltcedar Tamarix ramosissima Leaves are small and scale-like Fragrant pink flowers Very invasive along waterways Smooth woody stem

21 Saltcedar

22 Weed Control Information
Utah State University Weed Specialists County Extension Agent County Weed Supervisor Weeds of the West MT-UT-WY Weed Management Handbook Biological Control of Weeds in the West Western Society of Weed Science

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