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Clayton Wiley M.D./PhD..

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Presentation on theme: "Clayton Wiley M.D./PhD.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clayton Wiley M.D./PhD.

2 Question 1 A 7-year-old boy with three month history of nausea, vomiting and headaches. Describe the MRI findings.

3 Axial T1

4 Axial T2

5 Axial T1 +contrast

6 Coronal T1 +contrast

7 Question 2 Create a differential diagnosis ranked according to probability in a patient of this age with MRI findings

8 Answer 1. Pilocytic astrocytoma 2. Medulloblastoma 3. Ependymoma 4. Hemangioblastoma 5. Cysticercosis

9 Question 3 The pediatric neurosurgeon gives you a biopsy specimen from the posterior fossa for intraoperative diagnosis. Describe the cytologic features of the smear. Click here to view slide.

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