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Theory - Suler’s “cyberpsychology”

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1 Ideas for the future of internet interventions John Powell 12th June 2008

2 Theory - Suler’s “cyberpsychology”
reduced sensation texting identity flexibility altered perceptions equalized status transcended space temporal flexibility social multiplicity recordability media disruption

3 WMS Ehealth Research

4 ubiquity multi-platform web 2.0 semantic web bioinformatics grid technology virtual reality WMS Ehealth Research

5 staying well self-care chronic conditions cost pressures biotech; new genetics; stem cells review of payment methods social contract WMS Ehealth Research

6 flattened hierarchies
consumer empowerment connected multinational dominance energy crisis terror attacks WMS Ehealth Research

7 WMS Ehealth Research

8 WMS Ehealth Research

9 More global, cheap interconnectedness.
Ubiquitous, pervasive, converged, embedded, multi-platform…. Ehealth literacy increases. The digital health service. Web2.0, Web 3.0 mean more interactivity. Social networking. Data from and to consumers, and from and to professionals. Physiological measures incorporated, bioinformatics. Information++ for research, policy, practice, industry, consumers. Grid computing. Virtual reality and virtual worlds. Serious games. WMS Ehealth Research

10 But… Who misses out? Who will be in control of the technology, and what are the implications? Will there be a trade-off between privacy and benefit? Will (UK) people pay for (better) interventions? Will the internet be a target for vandals and/or terrorists? Will compelling virtual worlds lead to social inclusion or social isolation? WMS Ehealth Research


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