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Presentation on theme: "LIST 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIST 1

2 Abhor - verb To hate

3 Bigot - noun narrow-minded, prejudiced person

4 Counterfeit - adjective
fake; false

5 Enfranchise - verb To give voting rights

6 Hamper - verb To hinder; obstruct

7 Kindle - verb To start a fire

8 Placid – adjective calm; peaceful

9 Abrasive - adjective rough; coarse; harsh

10 Noxious - adjective harmful; poisonous; lethal

11 Talisman - noun lucky charm


13 Acuity- adjective sharpness (mental or visual)

14 Braggart - noun someone who boasts

15 Epitomized - verb typified; characterized; personified

16 Languish - verb decay; fade away; get weaker

17 Obsequious - adjective
servile; submissive

18 Polemical - adjective causing debate or argument

19 Thwart - verb prevent; frustrate

20 Adamant - adjective forceful; inflexible

21 Brawny - adjective muscular

22 Equivocate - verb speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth

23 List 4

24 Period 3 vocabulary

25 Accolade - noun praise

26 Conception - noun 1. idea; view. 2. beginning of pregnancy

27 Denounce - verb To speak out against something

28 Disdain – verb To show contempt for

29 Inept - adjective Clumsy, not good at something

30 Mitigate - verb To make less severe

31 Nascent - adjective just begun; in an early stage of development

32 Obtrusive - adjective Easily seen

33 Profligate - adjective
wasteful and immoral behavior

34 Resurgence - noun revival

35 List 5

36 EXPEDIENT - ADJ convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral.

37 ALACRITY - NOUN brisk and cheerful readiness.

38 CONSCIENCE - NOUN an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.

39 relevant or applicable to a particular matter; connecting to something
PERTINENT - ADJ relevant or applicable to a particular matter; connecting to something

40 SCOURGE - NOUN a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.

41 HOMAGE - NOUN special honor or respect shown publicly.

42 INTRUDE - VERB put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited.

43 ADVOCATE - VERB publicly recommend or support.

44 FRICTION - NOUN the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

45 ABOLISH - VERB formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).

46 LIST 6

47 abstain v. To keep oneself back (from doing or using something).

48 blithe adj. joyous

49 breach - noun a violation of an official duty

50 callow - adj without experience in the world; inexperienced or immature

51 catastrophe - noun any sudden or great misfortune

52 improper - adj not being appropriate, unfit, or unseemly

53 impromptu - adj anything said or done in the impulse of a moment

54 rectify - verb to correct

55 sinuous - adj curving in and out

56 upheaval - noun overthrow or violent disturbance of an established order

57 List 7

58 Congenial – adjective friendly

59 Contumacious – adjective

60 Amiable - adjective Good-natured, polite

61 Plebian – adjective Crude, common, low nature

62 Troublesome, difficult, oppressive
Onerous - adjective Troublesome, difficult, oppressive

63 Itinerate - adjective traveling

64 Indolent - adjective Lazy, inactive

65 Sitting, remaining in one place
Sedentary - adjective Sitting, remaining in one place

66 Endemic - adjective widespread

67 Destitute - adjective poor

68 List 8

69 Desiccated - adjective

70 Indigent - adjective poor

71 Phantasmal - adjective

72 Fulminate - verb To verbally attack

73 Unalloyed - adjective pure

74 Unbidden - adjective Not asked

75 Mercurial - adjective Quick and changeable

76 Incorrigible - adjective
Uncontrollable, unable to be reformed

77 Wanderlust - noun A strong impulse to travel

78 Extemporaneous - adjective
Impromptu, doing something without planning it

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