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Basic Skills in Noncredit

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1 Basic Skills in Noncredit
Santiago Canyon College

2 Who do we teach? What do we teach? How do we teach?

3 Who are Noncredit Basic Skills Students?
Students who want to learn English Immigrants who want to become citizens U.S. students who did not finish high school College students needing remedial help in one or more areas Students preparing for trade or technical school entrance exams

4 How is Noncredit Different from Credit?
Open entry/open exit (Student can start anytime during the semester.) Non-repeatability issues do not apply to noncredit Classes are free for students Students can progress at their own pace, but that does not mean they do not receive direct instruction Noncredit is funded at a lesser rate than credit, but it is also less expensive to administer a noncredit class

5 Basic Skills Areas Taught in Noncredit
ESL Reading English Mathematics

6 ESL Courses Beginning 1, 2, and 3 Intermediate 1, 2, and 3
Conversation 1 and 2 American English Pronunciation ESL Writing English for Work

7 Adult Basic Education Courses
Math 1 - Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Decimals Writing - Grammar, Sentences, Basic Paragraphs Spelling – Review of English Spelling Rules

8 Reading Courses Address students’ needs from a second grade level to an eighth grade level: Building Reading Skills 1 and 2 Reading Improvement Reading Proficiency

9 High School Diploma Core Basic Skills Courses
Math Fundamentals 2 - Percents, Expressions, Equations, Signed Numbers, Functions, Graphs, Inequalities, Measurements, Ratios and Proportions Composition 1 – Narrative, Descriptive, Persuasive, and Expository Paragraphs Composition 2 – Five Paragraph Essays English Language Arts – Integrated Grammar, Literature, and Writing Building Vocabulary 3 – Increase Academic Vocabulary

10 High School Diploma Program
Additional Basic Skills Courses: Pre algebra Algebra 1 and 2 English Fundamentals 1, 2, and 3 Literature Brought to Life Short Story Novel Poetry Composition

11 ESL Instructional Methods
Whole class and small group activities Lecture/Direct Instruction Mediated Learning Discussion and Projects Instructor-Prepared Materials and Handouts Cooperative Learning

12 Integrated Instruction
Adult Basic Education, Reading, and High School - Instructional Methods Integrated Instruction Whole Group Small Group Collaborative Computer-aided One-on-One Individualized

13 Small Group Contract for Math Fundamentals 2

14 Blog for ABE and Reading Students

15 Other Activities and Services
Orange Public Library Field Trip Fullerton Arboretum Field Trip Tessman Planetarium Field Trip ABE and Reading Book Fair Associated Student Government Yearly Scholarships for Noncredit Students to Attend SCC Credit Classes

16 Does Noncredit Receive Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) Funds?
Approximately $18,000 in BSI funds BSI funds used for 21 hours/week of in-class tutoring

17 DSPS Services in Noncredit are the Same as Credit
Academic advisement Learning disabilities assessment Test-taking accommodations Specialized instructional support Assistive technology Alternate media materials Note-taking assistance Interpreter services Liaison with faculty, staff, community agencies

18 Student Services in Noncredit
Individual assessment of transcripts and graduation requirements Referrals to tutoring, Disabled Student Program Services (DSPS) and outside agencies Vocational/educational planning Personal Counseling Individual or group counseling Initial crisis intervention Community referrals Group/classroom presentations Counseling topics of instructors’ choices Community job/resource fairs Residency/naturalization workshops Matriculation to college (help with application, testing, financial aid information, and enrollment in classes)

19 Transitioning from Noncredit to Credit Courses Stars Program
Transitioning to Santiago Canyon College (SCC) Financial aid information and application Scholarship information and application Priority registration for Santiago Canyon College Help with registration and on-line registration College placement testing College and Career counseling SCC Tours

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