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Intro to plants.

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1 Intro to plants

2 Plants and their Uses Food Roots (carrot, beet, peanut)
Stems (celery, asparagus) Underground stems (potato, onion) Fruits and seeds (apple, lentil) Flowers (broccoli, cauliflower) Leaves (lettuce, spinach, tea, basil)

3 Food

4 Medicinal Digitoxin (foxglove leaves) congestive heart failure
Aspirin (White willow bark) – pain and fever Aconite (Monkshood roots) Vincristine (rosy periwinkle) - childhood leukemia

5 Herbal Ginseng – overall well being Ginkgo biloba – memory enhancement
Echinacea – immune support

6 Textile Cotton Hemp Flax

7 Insecticides Rotenone (right) from derris plant Pyrethrum (below)
from pyrethrum flowers

8 Wood, Pulp and Paper Oak Pine Walnut

9 Rubber From the rubber plant/trees
In diagram rubber tapping from a pararubber tree in Amazon rain forest

10 Gums and Resins From sap of coniferous trees
Used in nail polish, varnish, adhesives, perfume… Eg. Carnauba palm leaves – car and furniture polish

11 Cosmetic Jasmine Vanilla Spearmint Aloe
Eg. Euphorbia cerifera – soft wax for lipstick

12 Erosion Roots control erosion where soil is uncovered or sparsely covered Form mat to keep soil in place

13 Vascular vs. Non Vascular Plants
Vascular Plants have special tissues for transporting water and nutrients (xylem and phloem)  have roots, stems and leaves E.g. Ferns, flowering plants, conifers

14 Vascular vs. Non Vascular Plants
Nonvascular plants have no vascular system (xylem and phloem) and  no roots stems or leaves. e.g. Liverwort mosses and algae

15 Angiosperms vs. Gymnosperms
Gymnosperms - cone bearing plants Seeds produced within cones

16 Angiosperms vs. Gymnosperms
angiosperm – flowering plants Seeds produced in ovule of flower/fruit

17 Monocot vs. Dicot – two forms of angiosperms

18 Plant Organs Organs are comprised of tissues that together perform a specific function Plant organs include: Roots Stem Leaves Flowers

19 Roots Anchor plants in soil – preventing erosion
Absorb water and minerals Site of storage

20 Stems Hold leaves and expose them to sun Hold flowers
Transport materials from roots to leaves Site of storage

21 Leaves Site of photosynthesis Storage Gas exchange (stomata)

22 Flowers Reproduction

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