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Steepest Descent Optimization

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Presentation on theme: "Steepest Descent Optimization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steepest Descent Optimization

2 Outline Regularized Newton Method Trust Region Method for Line Search
Solving Linear System of Equations Traveltime Tomography Conjugate Gradient Method

3 Problem: Ill-conditioned functional
f(x) X1 X2 Examples: 1). Many models fit the same data 2). Seismic Data with short src-rec offset insensitive to deep part of model 3). Seismic Data from shallow loud vs soft from deep part of model 4). More unknowns than equations -> non-unique solution 5). Traveltime tomography LVZ

4 Tomography Results Tomographic Image Z (m) 400 Z (m) 400 2500 X (m)
400 Z (m) m/s Final smoothing operator: 50m in X , 25m in Z 400 Z (m) Ray Path Image (Limited Offset Limits Resolution Depth) 2500 X (m) # of Ray Final smoothing grid size is 10x5 (50m in X , 25m in Z)

5 Seismic Refraction Data
Line 1 – Intermediate Models 1 & 2 and Final Model (Schedule 1-3) Intermediate Model 1 Schedule 1 Intermediate Model 2 Schedule 2 Final Model Schedule 3

6 Given: f(x) ~ f(x0) + dx g + 1/2dx H dx + ½ l dx G dx
Solution: Regularized Newton Given: f(x) ~ f(x0) + dx g + 1/2dx H dx + ½ l dx G dx Damping parameter > 0 T T T Misfit function Penalty function e= (Ls-t)’(Ls-t) = t’t - s’L’t + s’L’Ls 2 Traveltime Tomography Gdx=Idx Gdx ~ dx Gdx ~ D dx 2 Find: stationary point x* s.t. f(x*)=0 D Soln: Newton’s Method x = x – [H + l G] g (k) -1 (k+1) (k) a (k) f(x) X1 X2 .02 max(H_ij) l Iteration number

7 f(x) ~ f(x0) + dx g + 1/2dx H dx + ½ l dx G dx
Solution: Regularized Newton Find: stationary point x* s.t. f(x*)=0 Soln: Newton’s Method x = x – [H + l G] g (k+1) (k) (k) -1 (k) a .02 max(H_ij) f(x) X1 X2 l Iteration number Choosing l SD->Levenburg-Marquardt (G=I) ->Newton

8 f(x) ~ f(x0) + dx g + 1/2dx H dx + ½ l dx G dx
Solution: Regularized Newton Find: stationary point x* s.t. f(x*)=0 Soln: Newton’s Method x = x – [H + l G] g (k+1) (k) (k) -1 (k) a .02 max(H_ij) f(x) X1 X2 l Iteration number If Hij = Hii dij then Regularized SD x = x – g (k+1) (k) (k) [H + l G] i i i (k) ii

9 Outline Regularized Newton Method Trust Region Method for Line Search
Solving Linear System of Equations Traveltime Tomography Conjugate Gradient Method

10 Soln: Let f(x) ~ -x g + 1/2x H x
Solving Square Linear Systems by SD Given: H square matrix with SPD s.t. Hx=g Find: x by S.D. Soln: Let f(x) ~ -x g + 1/2x H x Square SPD T T D Step 1: Set f(x)=0 x = x – [H x - g] (k+1) (k) a Step 2: Iterative Steepest Descent

11 Outline Regularized Newton Method Trust Region Method for Line Search
Solving Linear System of Equations Traveltime Tomography Conjugate Gradient Method Rectangular & Regularization

12 Soln: Let f(x) ~ (H x-g) (Hx-g)
Solving Rectangular Linear Systems by SD Given: H rectangular matrix s.t. Hx=g Find: x by S.D. Soln: Let f(x) ~ (H x-g) (Hx-g) Previous strategy won’t work f(x) ~ -x’ g + 1/2x’ H x T 1/2 Step 1: Set f(x)=0 D Step 2: Iterative Steepest Descent Square SPD x = x – H(H x - g) (k+1) (k) a T (k) residual

13 Soln: Let f(x) ~ (H x-g) (Hx-g) + l/2 x G x
Solving Rectangular Linear Systems by Regularized SD Given: H rectangular matrix s.t. Hx=g Find: x by Regularized S.D. Soln: Let f(x) ~ (H x-g) (Hx-g) + l/2 x G x T T 1/2 Step 1: Set f(x)=0 D Step 2: Iterative Steepest Descent x = x – [H(H x - g) + l Gx (k+1) (k) a T (k) (k) Gradient or residual Adjoint applied to residual (diff. between pred. & observed) Migration of residual

14 Solving Rectangular Linear Systems by
Regularized SD Given: H rectangular matrix s.t. Hx=g x = x – [H(H x - g) + l Gx (k+1) (k) a T (k) 1 5 2 x1 x2 =

15 Outline Regularized Newton Method Trust Region Method for Line Search
Solving Linear System of Equations Traveltime Tomography Conjugate Gradient Method Rectangular & Regularization& Scaling

16 Solving Rectangular Linear Systems by Regularized SD with Scaling
Given: H rectangular matrix s.t. Hx=g ill-conditioned Let CH H x = Cg s.t. C approximates inverse H H T T x = x – [CH( H x - g) + l Gx Soln: (k+1) (k) (k) a T 1 5 2 x1 x2 =

17 Solving Rectangular Linear Systems by Regularized SD with Scaling
MATLAB Code f(x) X1 X2 x = x – [CH( H x - g) + l Gx (k+1) (k) T (k)

18 Outline Regularized Newton Method Trust Region Method for Line Search
Solving Linear System of Equations Traveltime Tomography Conjugate Gradient Method

19 Ray Based Tomography t = L s ~ s - L’dt 1. Modeling: t = Ls
ij j ith ray Problem: L is a function of s so this is a non-linear set of equations! L ij 1. Modeling: t = Ls jth cell 2. Linearize: t = Ls subtract t’=L’s’ t-t’ = Ls-L’s’ ~ L(s-s’) dt = L ds 3. Find m that minimizes e=||t-Ls|| + l penalty 2 4. Solve: ds = [L’L] L’dt -1 5. Iterate: s = s - [L’L] L’dt -1 (k+1) (k) Steepest Descent Step length ~ s - L’dt (k) a

20 Ray Based Tomography t = L s ds ~ L dt 4. Iterate: s = s - [L’L] L’dt
ith ray t = L s i ij j s g L ij 4. Iterate: s = s - [L’L] L’dt -1 (k+1) (k) ~ s - L’dt (k) jth slowness ds ~ L dt j ij i Smearing residuals that visit jth cell Note: We never store matrix. We simply compute a row of segment lengths (i.e., trace a ray) and then do a dot product between that ith row vector and the column vector dt to get the ith update to ds. Cots of each iteration is that of a matrix-vector mulitply O(N*N) rather than O(N*N*N). jth cell

21 Ray Based Tomography ds ~ L dt jth slowness Smearing residuals
ij i Smearing residuals that visit jth cell jth cell Diagonal Dominance Preconditioning is using an approximate inverse Regularized Steepest Descent with Preconditioning Iterative Regularized Steepest Descent Soln.: small memory, no matrix inverse Smearing weighted residuals that visit jth cell

22 Multiscale Traveltime Inversion
# picks Line 1 – Intermediate Models 1 & 2 and Final Model # unknowns (Schedule 1-3) Coarse-grain Model M=3N>N Intermediate Model 1 Schedule 1 Intermed.-grain Model Intermediate Model 2 Schedule 2 Finegrain Model Final Model Schedule 3 dx < l/4

23 Best Resolved Features Perpendicular to Ray
Note: Anomaly can be moved laterally between wells along ray and still explain data. But anomaly is restricted vertically to explain data Where is Anomaly? Time

24 Transmission Fresnel Zone

25 Transmission Fresnel Zone

26 Transmission Fresnel Zone
Fresnel Volume T/2 L

27 Best Resolved Features Perpendicular to Ray
{ Diffraction Ray Snell Ray Wavepath Time

28 Best Resolved Features Perpendicular to Ray

29 Summary t = L s ds ~ L dt = Modeling t = Ls Adjoint Modeling s = L’t j
ij j Modeling t = Ls Note: We sum over model space variable j ith ray Sum weighted slowness Along ith ray L ij ds ~ L dt j ij i Adjoint Modeling s = L’t Note: We sum over data space variable i rays ith ray Sum weighted residuals For rays that visit jth cell

30 Outline Regularized Newton Method Trust Region Method for Line Search
Solving Linear System of Equations Traveltime Tomography Conjugate Gradient Method

31 Conjugate Gradient g’ = f(x*)=0 ? D dx
Quasi-Newton Condition: g’ – g = Hdx’ (1) dx’ g’ = f(x*)=0 ? D x* g dx’ dx’ dx’ Kiss point dx For dx’ at the bullseye x*, g’=0 so eqn. 1 becomes, after multiplying by dx Conjugacy Condition: 0 = dxHdx’ (2) x = x – a p (where p is conjugate to previous direction) (3)

32 Conjugate Gradient dx Quasi-Newton Condition: g’ – g = Hdx’ (1)
Conjugacy Condition: 0 = dxHdx’ (2) x = x – a p (where p is conjugate to previous direction and a linear combo of dx & g) (3) For i = 1:nit 0 = dxH(dx + b g) Solve for b find b find a p= dx + bg x* g dx’ dx’ = dx + ap dx= dx’ Kiss point dx x=x+ dx’ end

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