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International Scratch Challenge

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1 International Scratch Challenge
Scratch2017BDX Opening, Inspiring, Connecting Thursday July 20 International Scratch Challenge Ecoles de la circonscription Montpellier- St Jean de Védas On the European platform eTwinning, through peer collaboration, students between the ages of 9-11 use the free programming language in order to complete three challenges over the course of the year. Introduce your school and your class. Practice drawing geometrical shape Create your own video game st challenge nd challenge rd challenge Objectives: Learn about programming and computer science Contribute and participate in group projects Learn about responsibility 4 key competences of the common base of knowledge and skills:  Practice coding language Key competence 1: Coding Language for Processing and Communicating Key competence 2 : Methods and Tools for Learning  Learn to reason and justify the different steps in a process Learn to cooperate and work as a team Key competence 3 : Personal and Civic Training*  Practice ethical and responsible behavior  Conceive, create, accomplish, and program Key competence 4 : Natural and Technical Systems ETwinning project’s coordinator: Ecole de St Félix sur Sorgues, Olivier Reggiani, Montpellier’s primary schools involved (Montpellier-Saint Jean de Védas district, Inspector: Mme Martine Anne): Ecole Alain Savary, Mr Teissonnière Ecole Winston Churchill, Mrs Guindon Pedagogical advisor, Mme Béatrix Vincent, Partners: European partners participate in the project (more than 100 classes in Europe) INRIA Partners Pedagogical advisor from the district of Montpellier Saint Jean de Védas Teachers from local schools of the same district Training courses: MOOC on pixees (Class’Code community): Teachers online training course on RESOURCES: Learn to program with Scratch Create your own games and animations ! Illustrations by Gilles Capelle Collection Magic Makers, Gallimard Jeunesse Publication: « Scratch for the kids » « Code all by yourself ! » Nathan edition, 8 years and up Scratch activity exercise book Author: Frédéric Pain Illustrations by Morgan Thomas Canopé : Netpublic: Organization: MODEL OF A SESSION 1 computer for 2 students (Set of 15 laptops) Setting of the context: Using the video projector, show the students the challenge provided on eTwinning; for example, create a geometrical shape. Sequence of events: 1. Let the pupils explore the software and its functionalities 2. Make a pooling after about ten minutes on what the pupils found: The sprites and the backgrounds to choose in the library The various blocks to select to begin 3. Give then precise objectives: choose the suitable sprite : here the pencil and begin programming. 4. Continue so on during several sessions until the objectives are reached. Alternative approach: Explore the shared projects on, select those which match with our themes (story, drawing of a geometrical figure; game) and remix them or view the Scratch projects uploaded by the other european partner schools on the eTwinning platform and try out them as starter projects . Look inside and use them as templates and change some blocks/sprites/backgrounds/etc or continue their scripts). Resources used: Set of 15 laptops (1 for 2 pupils) Free programming language Scratch POSSIBLE EXTENSIONS: Robot programming : Thymios Thymios are small, programmable robots with their own software. Handling these robots allows students to discover and understand their behavior. These robots can: move around, follow an object, make noises, illuminate small green, blue, and red lights It is also possible to work with these robots during challenges by creating games with the Thymios. Resources : MODEL FOR THE CHALLENGE Frequency *of challenges: A challenge every 3-4 months, Introduction to the challenge: The project coordinator, Olivier Reggiani, posts on the TwinSpace (*) with the instructions for the new challenge to complete in class. Some examples of the challenge are provided, as well as some useful Internet links, in order to help participants and students. (*TwinSpace is the place for the project members, the space where planned activities are developed. Students and teachers are the main users of TwinSpace; they can contribute depending on their access profile. TwinSpace is a private space, which can only be accessed by people who have been given permission by the administrators. It is designed to include those people who are not registered in the eTwinning platform, which allows students, parents or teachers working in the project to see what is happening. ) Completion of the challenge: - Once each class has completed the project, the participants post the students’ work on the twinspace. This way each class is able to view the work of other European classes.

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