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Mike Pappas, Nigel Himmelreich, Eric Anderson

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1 Mike Pappas, Nigel Himmelreich, Eric Anderson
NFC Sensor System Mike Pappas, Nigel Himmelreich, Eric Anderson

2 Overview Sensor module Reader module Smartphone
Sensors connected to a microcontroller and transmits data over NFC (Near Field Communication) Reader module Receives data over NFC, logs the data, and retransmits over Bluetooth Smartphone Receives values, stores the data, and displays graphically Eric

3 Motivation Inspired by a “disposable smart bandage” concept
Proof of concept that real-time sensor data can be transmitted over NFC Ultra-low power operation Reusable logging portion attaches overtop the sensors Inductively powered Mike

4 Medical Relevance Device could monitor wound moisture/humidity, ammonia, oxygen and temperature levels Status of a wound without removing a dressing Improved costs Hospital bed ~$2500/day VS. ~$1000/day for home visit Keep patient out of hospital and improve care Mike

5 The System Nigel

6 Sensor Module Texas Instruments RF430 NFC Module
Texas Instruments MSP430 Microcontroller Analog temperature sensor accurate to ±1℃ Photoresistor for measuring light intensity

7 Sensor Module Obtains analog sensor data, converts to digital, then transmits over NFC Uses between mW of power Estimated 5 days battery life on a single watch battery (CR2032) Induction power

8 Reader Module Altera DE0 Nano FPGA Adafruit PN532 NFC Shield
Running MicroC/OS, it logs data and transfers values between NFC and Bluetooth Adafruit PN532 NFC Shield Connected with I2C, it triggers an interrupt in the DE0 when an ISO 14443B device is in range

9 Reader Module Olimex MOD-BT Bluetooth Module
Connected via a serial UART connection Setup as a server, sending sensor values to any connected device The data from the NFC reader is sent over the Bluetooth connection

10 Reader Module Is powered by any 3.3V source
Can be placed over a sensor for a long period of time to log data Provides the inductive power

11 Application Android application Fetches data via:
NFC connection by tapping phone onto NFC portion of sensor module Bluetooth connection waits for an incoming Bluetooth string with data Data is parsed and displayed to user Data is saved to memory to retain history Eric

12 Application History view on application to view past readings
Graph view displays a graph of the data Temperature reading and light readings are easily switched by pressing a button Each graph can be divided by various amounts of days Eric

13 Demo

14 Challenges New development board (MSP430)
Android development with NFC and Bluetooth connections Porting library for NFC reader and extend to read type B devices NFC hardware limitations Nigel

15 Results Successfully implemented the MSP430 architecture for NFC communications Able to transmit sensor data over an NFC (NDEF) message Transmit NFC data directly to an Android device Mike

16 Results Able to receive NFC information and send Bluetooth data on the DE0 Able to receive Bluetooth data on the Android smartphone Induction power to sensor module Nigel

17 Future Extensions Logging to a computer or a server for remote monitoring of data Attach a screen to the reader module for real time data without a smartphone Eric

18 Future Medical Extensions
RFID Integrated Chip Disposable implementation Lower cost - dimes to pennies per chip More relevant sensors Mike

19 Questions? ?

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