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To be successful today…

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1 To be successful today…
Pick up graded work Add to TOC and set up Notes: Plant Reproduction HW: Flower Coloring Sheet BYOD Color of the day is Phones are in put away in backpacks

2 Flowers allow some plants (angiosperms) to reproduce w/out water
Plant Reproduction Flowers allow some plants (angiosperms) to reproduce w/out water

3 Most flowers have 4 basic parts.
petals pistil/ carpel stamen sepals

4 Some floral structures are nonessential; they are not required for reproduction.
petals colorful, protect reproductive structures, attract pollinators sepals leaf-like structures which protect the flower before blooming

5 Some floral structures are essential for reproduction to occur.
stamens male organs, produce sperm in pollen grains pistil/ carpel female organ, produces egg(s)

6 Stamens are made of 2 parts.
anther produces pollen filament supports anther

7 Pistils ( ) are made of 3 parts.
stigma Receives/catches pollen style connects stigma to ovary ovary produces egg(s)

8 Identify the structures in this flower.
petal stigma pistil style anther stamen filament Where is the ovary? Where are the sepals?

9 Inside every pollen grain are two sperm cells.

10 When pollen lands on the stigma, this process is called pollination.
A pollen tube grows from the pollen grain and the sperm migrate to the egg. The first sperm fertilizes the egg.

11 Pollinators include insects, birds, and wind.

12 Flowers & Pollinators Wind pollination - not very efficient; produce vast amounts of pollen; ex. Oak trees Most angiosperms are pollinated by animals which carry pollen from one flower to another.

13 Animal-pollinated plants have traits, such as bright colors and sweet nectars.

14 The egg and sperm unite in a process called fertilization.
The two cells (egg and sperm) become one new cell called a zygote. The zygote begins to grow and develops into a seed. zygote zygote

15 As the seed develops, the ovary grows into a fruit.
This means that anything you eat with a seed(s) is a ripened ovary.

16 Different fruits Fleshy fruits - apples, grapes, melons, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers Dry fruits – peanuts, walnuts, wheat, barley, corn, rice

17 Examples of ripened ovaries.

18 Which of these are fruits (ripened ovaries)?
Hint: If it has a seed, it’s a fruit.

19 Seed Dispersal By animals – Seeds contained in sweet, fleshy fruits.
Seeds are covered with tough, protective coatings

20 By wind & water Seeds are typically lightweight

21 Seeds with wings

22 Seeds with spikes

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