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Modernising Europe's universities –

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1 Modernising Europe's universities –
The EU policy dimension on Tertiary Education Slovenian Presidency of the EU Conference Barbara Nolan Ljubljana, 2 April 2008.

2 Returns to investment at different levels of Lifelong Learning

3 Total spending on HE 2002

4 Share of private and public spending in HE
(OECD EaG 2007)

5 HE unemployment / total unemployment 2005

6 Participation in Lifelong Learning (% of aged participating in education and training in the 4 weeks prior to the survey)

7 Thank you for your kind attention
Conclusion The modernisation agenda deserves full attention Each country may find their own solutions All universities should play their part; and define their own destiny. Learning from each other will help getting the modernisation agenda ahead The European programmes will provide support * * * Thank you for your kind attention

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