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Will economic development in the West of England deliver for women?

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Presentation on theme: "Will economic development in the West of England deliver for women?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Will economic development in the West of England deliver for women?

2 A network of 500 academics, activists and policy- makers
In all our work we ask “where do resources go?”

3 Bread and butter - analysis of the national Budget and the Autumn Financial Statement
Research and analysis e.g. Universal Credit, reduction in working tax credits Ask what is their impact on gender equality

4 Membership is free! Sign up @womensbudgetgrp

5 Will economic development in the West of England deliver for women?
x 4 workshops across the country - Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow and London To bring feminist activists together to discuss local economic initiatives To ask how can we ensure women’s voices are heard in economic devolution?

6 West of England Enterprise Partnership

7 West of England Enterprise Partnership

8 West of England Enterprise Partnership


10 Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone
The 70 hectare site 25 years project Set up by the government to drive local growth and create jobs Offer a range of incentives to businesses business rates relief simplified planning superfast broadband. £21 million in infrastructure to improve the vehicle, cycling and pedestrian access in the area £200 million for the citywide MetroBus scheme

11 initial proposals for the TQEZ
Companies on site and involved in construction phase Governance – women on Boards Women owned and led companies encouraged Companies asked to sign Zero Tolerance Charter and to have effective sexual harassment and Domestic Abuse policies Living wage employers / No zero hours contracts including for contractors Recruiting women from disadvantaged local communities Link training from ESF and other training to employment opportunities Promoting part time working Women encouraged to work in non traditional employment BTQEZ should be a beacon of gender equality in all its aspects: governance, planning, construction, training and functioning. Planning and Infrastructure Accessibility – public transport buses from South and East Bristol Increased frequency of trains on the Severn Beach line Bus stops well lit and sighted with ergonomic seating Accessible transport information Area designed for safety including adequate lighting Some priority parking for parents On site nursery (childcare)

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