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Unit 6 Get to the ROOT of it!.

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1 Unit 6 Get to the ROOT of it!

2 ROOTS Root Meaning Origin init beginning Latin fin end term limit, end

3 initial—occurring at the beginning of something
My initial reaction was to say no, but after thinking about it for a while, I decided to go to the school dance with Mary.

4 initiative—the power or opportunity to do something before others do; the energy and desire that is needed to do something I took initiative at my new job by starting important tasks before being asked to.

5 initiate—to cause or start the beginning of something; to formally accept a person as a member of a group or organization usually in a special ceremony The detectives will initiate a thorough investigation regarding the vandalism.

6 finale—the last part of something such as a musical performance, play, etc.
We were so captivated by the air show’s finale, but also very disappointed that the end was near.

7 confine—to keep someone or something within limits; to prevent someone or something from going beyond a particular limit, area, etc. The teacher asked us to confine our essays to four pages in length.

8 finite—having limits or a limited number or amount
Once we use up the Earth’s finite supply of fossil fuels, they will be gone forever.

9 infinitesimal—extremely small
Even though the virus that causes the flu is infinitesimal, it is able to cause tremendous illness in humans.

10 terminate —to cause something to end; to end in a particular way or at a particular place; to take a job away from someone If you continue to miss work, your supervisor will terminate your job.

11 terminal—causing death eventually; leading finally to death
If the cancer is terminal, then there is no medicine that will save the patient.

12 terminology—the special words or phrases that are used in a particular field
I couldn’t understand the doctors when they used medical terminology.

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