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HR UPDATE Atia Williams, HR Manager

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1 HR UPDATE Atia Williams, HR Manager
The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

2 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
STPCD The Government published the School Teachers’ Pay Review Body’s 27th Report on the teachers’ pay award for The changes were primarily changes to pay based on: A 2% uplift to the minimum and maximum of the main pay range (MPR); And a 1% uplift to the minima and maxima of everything else The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

3 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
GDPR – 25th May 2018 Data protection law applies when schools, as data controllers are processing personal data. What is personal data? It includes student and staff records, as well as information held and used about parents and carers. CCTV images, website photos and information, educational apps, etc. Paper-based and digital. What is “Processing” - refers to anything a school does with personal data – collecting, using, analysing, sharing, and disposal. Schools – you are effectively the data controller (technically it’s the governing body), and therefore the school is responsible for data protection compliance. (Even when you use data processors like Capita SIMS, shredding companies or cloud IT providers – they are your data processors and you are still responsible.) The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

4 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
ICO This slide is a brief summary of the principles from the 1998 Data Protection Act – so what’s changed? GDPR 2018 is a new data protection regulation that’s designed to strengthen and unify the safety and security of all data held within an organisation. It will entirely replace the current Data Protection Act (DPA 1998) It will increase the responsibility schools have to inform parents and learners about how their data is being used and by whom and focuses on looking after the privacy and rights of the individual. The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

5 New and expanded rights
Right to be informed Right to erasure Right to data portability Right to restriction Right to rectification Right of access Right to object Right to prevent automated processing, including profiling The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

6 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
SDBE Training GDPR Training: Heads meeting – afternoon of 25th January SBM/Bursars – Friday 26th January The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

7 Revised Policies and Procedures
Schools will be able to adopt for the beginning of the Spring term SDBE Members’ Area: Username: guest Password: sdbe9200 Not quite on the website but nearly. The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

8 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Merger of NUT and ATL National Education Union wef 1 September 2017 No immediate change Full merger 1 January 2019 With effect from 1 September, the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers have merged to form a new Union, the National Education Union (“NEU”). Not sure if it was intended to be the NEU Professional Association! Beyond the name, there should be very little immediate change – initially the NEU will operate two distinct sections, the ATL section and the NUT section. If you currently have both an NUT rep and an ATL rep, the NUT rep will continue to represent the NUT section of the NEU and the ATL rep will continue to represent the ATL section of the NEU. The two sections will fully merge on 1 January 2019. The amalgamation looks, on the face of it, look like a slightly odd partnership, as the NUT has traditionally been considerably more militant than the ATL. This, together with the potential perception that the NUT is swallowing the (much smaller) ATL, may explain why 97.2% of NUT members voted in favour of the amalgamation, but only 73% of ATL members. It remains to be seen what approach the new Union takes in employee relations and industrial relations matters, both in the short term and following the full merger in 2019. The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

9 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
1. Take all complaints seriously. Investigate promptly and professionally 2. Provide support to individuals making the complaint. 3. Be proactive. Schools should have a stance/policy on bullying and harassment, dignity at work and acceptable workplace banter. Victims of sexual harassment are often reluctant to report incidents for fear of retaliation or being disbelieved. So a couple of tips which may seem obvious but aren’t when it suddenly happens in your school. Fly in 1.investigation means to gather information and evidence. 2.Consider temporary change of reporting structure if relevant during investigation, keep complainant informed of what is happening 3. The policy/stance should put onus on the colleagues who are not victims to reporting incidents that happen to others. The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

10 How to reduce an HR hangover this festive season
Set out the standards the school expects so staff don’t act inappropriately at school related events, they are after all representing your school even if it is at an outside venue Make attendance voluntary not mandatory Check your staff’s transport arrangements to ensure they arrive home safely The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

11 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Avoid the HR hangover Manage the party and the alcohol – designate people to make sure everyone is behaving appropriately For those drinking alcohol remind them they’re more likely to have a great time celebrating with colleagues if they drink in moderation If staff are expected to come into work the next day make sure this has been communicated clearly The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

12 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Avoid the HR hangover And finally.… forget the mistletoe!! The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

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