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When I went swimming By Michela Darmanin.

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1 When I went swimming By Michela Darmanin

2 One sunny morning, I heard someone calling me. I got up with a fright
One sunny morning, I heard someone calling me. I got up with a fright. It was mum. She was calling me to wake me up. She wanted to wake me up, so we could go swimming with my friends. After a minute, I got another fright - my cute, lovely sister came down to give us a fright. Then we dressed up, prepared our bags and did our lunches.

3 When we met our friends at the beach, we all put on sun block and jumped into the cool water. After, we ate something and we relaxed a bit under an umbrella. Then we jumped again into the fresh water and caught a fish. However, we didn’t realize how far out we had gone. All of a sudden, we heard a woman shouting that she had seen a shark. We looked behind us and saw a big, white, fierce shark. We shouted and screamed but luckily nine dolphins came to save us.

4 We thanked them alot. When ever we go for a swim they always come to meet us.

5 The end

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