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Chapter 4.

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1 Chapter 4

2 There is a $20.00 somewhere in this room
You will have 2 minutes to find it… It IS NOT in the closest or behind my desk anywhere.

3 No one found it???? It didn’t exist!!!
Write 1word-- how did you feel when you found out you may be able to find a twenty? Write 1 word– how did you feel after you found out there was no twenty?

4 Northwest Passage Now that countries knew there was a large land mass (America) between Europe and Asia they wanted the quickest way THROUGH it!!! Have note realized the resources in North America yet!

5 John Cabot 1497- Sent by English King Looking for NW passage
Sailed through Canada IMPORTANCE- found rich fishing area Landed- Newfoundland and the Great Banks Disappeared at sea


7 Jacquies Cartier Explored St. Lawrence River and claimed for France
Landed off coast of Newfoundland Tried to set up trade with Indians in Canada- found that his Gold and silver was useless to them– what did they want??


9 Giovanni Verrazano Sent 1524 by France
Explored Atlantic Coast line from North Carolina to Maine Looking for a major river INLAND! On final trip he was eaten by cannibalistic Natives of the Islands surrounding Jamaica

10 United Streaming- 3 explorers 17 min.

11 Henry Hudson 1606 1606- Dutch Trading Company
Claimed Hudson River- separates NY and NJ


13 Henry Hudson 1610 1610 Explored for English
Untied Streaming- 6 min. 1610 Explored for English Found Hudson Bay and claimed that area for England Crew wanted to go home- it was too icy and cold!! he wanted to press on– He was left in a row boat with 8 men and never heard from again!

14 Samuel de Champlain 1608 sent by French King Traveled up St. Lawrence
Beaver Fur trading post- Quebec Quebec was the FIRST French permanent settlement in North America “Father of New France” United streaming 14 minutes

15 Beaver FUR??? Fashion made beaver fur almost as valuable as gold in France- Beaver hats very popular GET RICH!!! 1 knife (worth 1 coin in France) could be sold for a beaver fur in Canada that was worth 200 coins!

16 French & Indians in New France
Huron tribe traded with French Traders success DEPENDED on Indians! French WERE NOT trapping- Indians were! Change Indians way of life- added guns and metal axes, different clothes Eventually New France expands down the Mississippi River

17 What do you think of when you hear PIRATE?

18 England and Spain Compete
Francis Drake- famous English Pirate Attacked Spanish settlement in South America Instead of being punished he is knighted by the Queen of England!

19 WANTED POSTER Include: Name Picture What did he do?
What is the reward? What does he look like?- describe

20 Lost Colony of Roanoke Project

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