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Huck’s Growth and Demise

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1 Huck’s Growth and Demise
LG’s 4: Develop an analysis of an author’s overall satirical purpose. 3: Relate ending of a text to satirical purposes found in the body of a text.

2 Bildungsroman Bildungsroman:
A text about the moral and psychological growth of the main character. Usually a child, or someone in his/her formative years, is the protagonist. There is a search for meaning by the protagonist, who is usually foolish and inexperienced at the beginning of the narrative. The story typically centers on the maturation process of a single person.

3 Bildungsroman There is some kind of inciting incident that pushes the protagonist (usually a child) into a journey. It's usually akin to a great emotional loss, like the death of a parent. The journey will not be easy. In fact, there will be many failures along the way. The hero will be tested, and will fight tooth and nail to survive the unwavering rules and limits of society. There is usually an epiphany, or a flashing moment, where the hero finally 'gets it.' This lucidity changes them as a person. They learn what it takes to be a grown up in the real world. The hero will eventually find his place in society by accepting its values and rules. The ending isn't necessarily about closure. We often do not know exactly what's going to happen to the hero. We do know that he has grown as a person from page one, and at the very least is equipped with the maturity and knowledge to have a chance in life.

4 Huck’s Growth Find 3 quotes that speak to Huck’s growth on the river. Consider how his relationship with Jim grows.

5 Rebuttal Consider this rebuttal of the genre:
Bildungsroman stories tell limited, simplistic stories in which weak but flexible heroes reach their maturity. Wonderful metaphors of socialization for 19th century middle classes. Perhaps Twain’s strange ending responds to the superficial nature of most bildungsroman stories?

6 The Evasion Chapters. What happens when Tom returns?
Bullet-point the plot.

7 The Evasion Chapters. Think of 3 possible ideas that explain Twain’s reasoning for ending the novel in such a strange way. Be sure to have evidence for each idea. Which do you think is strongest and why? Further the satire, mocking other authors Mocking the civil war; despite advancements, everything is still messed up. Small step in Huck is completely erased Show no journey is that straight forward No one ever really changes Society sucks Twain wanted to accurately portray how someone like Huck would act, like, with his psychology, I’m bad at explaining this Twain is just punking us He gave up

8 The Evasion Chapters. Think of 3 possible ideas that explain Twain’s reasoning for ending the novel in such a strange way. Be sure to have evidence for each idea. Which do you think is strongest and why? Growth is easy when you’re by yourself- Tom returning shows how difficult growth is going to be- society will always win? Journey is not easy- bringing Tom back is testing Huck and seeing how he has grown without Tom. Society hasn’t changed- we all suck and can’t be saved!  Focusing too much on the race and the society when in retrospect, its just an adventure.

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