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ICT and its applications

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1 ICT and its applications
Day 1 Module: ICT

2 Session outline ICT for Development and Growth development
ICT Application for Organizational Development and Management

3 Myself Suwarn Kr. Singh MCMIS- Netherlands, EMBA-Pokhara University, MscIT-Manipal University Director of Studies, NASC 10 + yrs of work experience as an IT and Management Professional

4 Common Psychology 11/19/2018


6 Information and Communication Technology
Information Communication Technology Information Technology /IT (Analogy) Any technology related to the information Technology Related means technology 4: Processing data/information Transmitting / receiving information Storing data/information Presenting data/ information e.t.c

7 ICT / IT Components Hardware Technology Software Technology
Tangible component of computer system Software Technology Intangible components driving hardware Network Technology Components that enable exchange of data/information Database Technology Components related to data/information storage Users Expert Users and Normal Users

8 Why ICT Major benefits to institutions
Reach of Information Rich Information Performance to process information Flow in information in both direction of value chain For driving institutions in terms of Driving organizational processes Decision making and problem solving Governance

9 IT should be looked into two parts
Does ICT /IT Matter ?? IT should be looked into two parts “Information” and “Technology” Technology is a commodity that does not add any advantage/value until we are able to generate valuable information (reach/richness) in development ecosystem) Value of IT is dependent on what level we are able to automate processes and address need to information for intended objectives

10 Does ICT/IT Matter ?? Yes - if we are able to drive development ecosystem with the help of information 11/19/2018

11 ICT and System thinking
Application of ICT is an Information System concept It is a process concept

12 Information For Disaster Management

13 ICT for Development (Sustainable) ICT4SD
Improve ICT across the 4C dimensions 1. Computing 2. Connectivity 3. Content 4. Capacity (human)

14 4C Dimensions 1. Computing
Innovation in hardware and software such as sensors, control systems Devices become more affordable, rugged with low maintenance, security efforts and other specialized skills Easier to use in localized language, IVR, pictures

15 4C Dimensions 2. Connectivity Get connections at affordable prices
Universal access to new networking and business models (may be with PPP) Integration of ICT and media (mobile, TV, radio, social media)

16 4C Dimensions 3. Content Provide relevant content (value) to end users
Locally customized content Enable users to be producer of content (not only consumer)

17 Data, Information and Knowledge
Relevant and actionable DATA KNOWLEDGE Processed INFORMATION Relevant and actionable Data refers to an elementary description of things, events, activities and transactions that are recorded, classified, and stored, but not organized to convey any specific meaning. A sample form of data can be numeric, alphanumeric, figures, sounds or images. Information is data that has been organized so that it has meaning and value to the recipient. A recipient may be able to interpret the meaning and draw appropriate conclusions or implications from the information. Knowledge consists of data or information that has been organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning, and expertise as it applies to a current problem or activity. It is a combination of rules, ideas, and procedures that guide individual /organization actions and decisions.

18 4C Dimensions 4. Capacity (human)
Awareness, beyond social, cultural and economic barriers Literacy (child and women) Development of appropriate regulatory legal framework and supply chain

19 Applying ICT4SD Role of ICT Goal and Targets
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Increase access to market information and reduce transaction costs for poor farmers and traders Increase efficiency, competitiveness and market access of developing country firms Leverage participation in regional/global economy

20 Applying ICT4SD Role of ICT Goal and Targets
Achieve universal primary education and other education targets ICT enhanced and distance learning of teachers/student E-content, digital class rooms for easy access of study materials Improve efficiency and effectiveness of education ministries and related agencies through strategic application of ICT

21 Applying ICT4SD Role of ICT Goal and Targets Promote Gender equality
Deliver literacy programs targeting poor girls and women Influence public opinion on gender quality through communication, dialogue and intervention using ICT

22 Applying ICT4SD Role of ICT Goal and Targets Reduce child mortality
Improve maternal health Combat diseases Enhance delivery of basic in-service training for health workers Increase monitoring and information sharing on diseases Increase access of rural care givers to specialist support and remote diagnosis Increase access to reproductive health information. Telemedicine Disaster management information

23 Applying ICT4SD Role of ICT Goal and Targets
Improve Environment sustainability Remote sensing technologies for monitoring, resource management and mitigation of environmental risks. Increase access to/awareness of development strategies, sanitation, water management and mining. Facilitate knowledge exchanges among stakeholders

24 Applying ICT4SD Role of ICT Goal and Targets Others
AML-CFT automation at national level (FATF) National Bidding ( E-Payments (revenue collection, and disbursement of cash by government) Crime Control Automation for labor management and welfare Immigration and border control National GIS

25 Expectations with ICT and organizational development
Effective organization Efficient organization Organization with proper control and governance Sustainable development and management practices

26 Emerging Technological Trends
Social Media Marketing, entertainment, sharing (text, voice, video, location and images) Internet of Things Cloud computing Private vs. Public cloud Outsourcing

27 Increasing Speed of Uptake of Technology
Opportunities Increasing Speed of Uptake of Technology 35 Year 13 Year 5 Year 1 Year 50 Million 100 Million in 6 Month

28 Mobile and Internet in Nepal
Opportunities Mobile and Internet in Nepal 92.68% २ करोड ४५ लाख ५६ हजार Tele Density (२६४९५५०४ मध्ये) 33.15% ८७ लाख ८३ हजार Internet Penetration MIS Report of NTA, Ashad 2071

29 Opportunities

30 Opportunities

31 ICT for organization - Challenges
Measurements of ICT effectiveness (in relation to thematic areas) Digital Divides – Awareness, Availability, Accessibility, and Affordability Awareness People must know what can be done with ICT; they must also be open to using ICT Availability ICT must be offered within reasonable proximity, with appropriate hardware/software Accessibility relates to the ability to use the ICT (spanning literacy, e-literacy, language, interfaces, etc.) Affordability All ICT usage together should, ideally, be only a few percent of one’s income (under 10% maximum on average); this covers life-cycle costs (termed total costs of ownership – TCO), software, connectivity education, etc

32 Q &A

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