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Purpose of MAC calibration test cases

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1 Purpose of MAC calibration test cases
April 2013 doc.: IEEE July 2014 Purpose of MAC calibration test cases Date: 2014-July Authors: Name Affiliation Address Bo Sun ZTE Ke Yao Kaiying Lv Yonggang Fang Bo Sun, ZTE Bo Sun, ZTE

2 July 2014 Abstract This proposal suggests to clarify the purpose of each of the tests defined in “Scenarios for calibration of MAC simulator” in [1]. Bo Sun, ZTE

3 July 2014 Background Several MAC calibration test cases have been defined in “Scenarios for calibration of MAC simulator” in [1] Test 1a: MAC overhead w/out RTS/CTS Test 1b: MAC overhead w RTS/CTS Test 2a: Deferral Test 1 Test 2b: Deferral Test 2 Test 4: NAV deferral Problem: there’s no clear definition of the purpose of each test. It may lead to misunderstanding of the purpose of the test with its title and assumption. We suggest to add purpose description for each test case. Bo Sun, ZTE

4 Proposed purpose for Test 1a
July 2014 Proposed purpose for Test 1a Purpose for test1a: the test case is designed to verify whether the simulator can correctly handle the basic frame exchange procedure, including DIFS+backoff procedure and A-MPDU+SIFS+BA sequence. Bo Sun, ZTE

5 Proposed purpose for Test 1b
July 2014 Proposed purpose for Test 1b Purpose for test1b: the test case is designed to further verify whether the simulator can correctly handle the frame exchange procedure with RTS/CTS protection based on test1a. Bo Sun, ZTE

6 Proposed purpose for Test 2a
July 2014 Proposed purpose for Test 2a Purpose for test2a: the test case is designed to verify whether the simulator can correctly handle deferral procedure after collision happens without hidden nodes. Bo Sun, ZTE

7 Proposed purpose for Test 2b
July 2014 Proposed purpose for Test 2b Purpose for test2b: the test case is designed to verify whether the simulator can correctly handle deferral procedure after collision happens with the existing of hidden nodes. Bo Sun, ZTE

8 Proposed purpose for Test 4
July 2014 Proposed purpose for Test 4 Purpose for test4: the test case is designed to verify whether the simulator can correctly handle the NAV setting and NAV deferral procedure. Bo Sun, ZTE

9 July 2014 Straw Poll 1 Do you agree to add purpose description for each of the test cases defined in “Scenarios for calibration of MAC simulator” in [1]? Bo Sun, ZTE

10 July 2014 Straw Poll 2 Do you agree to add purpose description as in slide 4 to 8 to “Scenarios for calibration of MAC simulator” in [1]? Bo Sun, ZTE

11 Reference [1] 11-14-0621-04-00ax-simulation-scenarios
July 2014 Reference [1] ax-simulation-scenarios [2] ax-MAC-simulator-calibration Bo Sun, ZTE

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