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Positive Prevention: Birth Control Choices

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1 Positive Prevention: Birth Control Choices

2 What are some reasons for
Abstinence Means choosing NOT to have sex It is the ONLY method that is 100% effective It is your right to be in control of your body and say NO What are some reasons for choosing abstinence? Reasons for choosing abstinence: religious beliefs, to avoid unwanted pregnancy, STI prevention, etc…

3 IUD What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? The Intrauterine Device is a thin plastic device inserted into the uterus to prevent sperm from joining with egg Female 99%+ Not effective

4 Implanon What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A thin, flexible plastic implant inserted in the arm that contains / releases a hormone that prevents ovulation Female 99%+ Not effective

5 NuvaRing What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A flexible plastic ring inserted in the vagina that releases hormones that prevent ovulation Female 92-99% Not effective

6 Depo-Provera What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? An injection of hormones that prevent ovulation Female 97-99% Not effective

7 Ortho-Evra Patch What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A thin, beige patch worn on the skin that releases hormones that prevent ovulation Female 92-99% Not effective

8 Birth Control Pills What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? Prescription pills taken orally each day that release hormones that prevent ovulation Female 92-99% Not effective

9 Latex Condom (Male) What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A latex barrier worn (unrolled) over an erect penis that prevents sperm from entering the vagina Male 85-98% Very effective!

10 Latex Condom (female) What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A nitrile barrier worn inside the vagina that prevents sperm from entering the cervix Female 79-95% Reduces the risk

11 Diaphragm What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A soft latex or silicone dome barrier inserted into the vagina that prevents sperm from entering the cervix Female 84-94% Not effective

12 Cervical Cap What is it? Which partner uses it?
Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A soft latex or silicone dome barrier inserted into the vagina that prevents sperm from entering the cervix Female 71-86% Not effective

13 Spermicide (non-oxynol-9)
What is it? Which partner uses it? Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A gel or foam inserted into the vagina prior to intercourse contains chemicals that destroy sperm Female 71-85% Not effective

14 Emergency Contraception
What is it? Which partner uses it? Effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Effectiveness in preventing the spread of HIV/STDs? A pill containing hormones taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse that keeps the ovary from releasing the egg and thickens the cervical mucus in order to prevent fertilization Female 89-95% Not effective

15 Methods NOT RECOMMENDED for teens
Sterilization Can’t necessarily be undone! Also, no protection against STDs Withdrawal (“pulling out”) Sperm in the pre-ejaculate could result in fertilization 31% failure rate among teens! Fertility Awareness (“rhythm method”) Due to hormonal changes in the teenage years, ovulation dates are not always consistent and mistakes could lead to pregnancy

16 Final Remarks BE PREPARED! Protecting yourself against STI’s and pregnancy is a shared responsibility Know your partner’s sexual history Alcohol & drugs can impair your decisions If you think you might have sex, make sure you have condoms… and know how to use them correctly! Irresponsible choices you make now can affect your health, and the health of your partner, for a long time Not protecting yourself is a HUGE RISK!

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