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Autumn Term Our School Reception

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1 Autumn Term Our School Reception
Language, Literacy and Communication This term we will be introducing the sounds of the children using Jolly Phonics. The children will be introduced to the 42 main sounds of the English Language. They will be taught · letter sounds · Letter formation · Identifying sounds in words · Blending letters · Tricky words We will also be practising writing and recognising the children’s names. Each week we will read a selection of books about school and use them to address all areas of the curriculum. Mathematical Development The children will take part in daily number activities. They will practise counting, ordering and recognising numbers to 10 and beyond as appropriate. We will also practise forming the numbers. We will be looking at the properties and names of 2D and 3D shapes and talking about the passage of time in relation of their day. We will also be using the language of measure when comparing size and weight and begin to use non-standard units to measure the length, height and weight of objects. Welsh Language Development The children will continue to build upon language introduced in Nursery. The teaching staff will use incidental language throughout the day and the children will be encouraged to respond appropriately. We will also learn traditional Welsh songs and rhymes. We will use the puppets Fflic and Fflac to help introduce and develop language patterns. Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity The children will be helped to cope with the adjustment to their new class and to understand the school rules and routines. They will be encouraged to play and work co-operatively and begin to take responsibility for their actions and possessions. The children will be encouraged to ask for help when it is needed. We will be looking at different festivals including Diwali, Harvest and Christmas. Knowledge and Understanding of the World The children will be discussing what they know about themselves and their families and we will be spending the next term finding out about our senses, what our bodies can do and how the children are growing and changing. We will also be using the school grounds to look at the changes taking place during Autumn. The children will have daily access to the computers and other ICT equipment in the class including CD players, digital cameras, tuff cam, easi speak microphones and an interactive whiteboard. Autumn Term Our School Reception Physical Development The children will develop their fine motor skills through using a wide variety of small equipment including scissors, pens, beads etc. They will develop their gross motor skills through gaining control of their bodies when using large and small apparatus in P.E. and also when using the outside environment. We will continue to follow the Play to Learn programme this term. This programme introduces physical skills using all areas of the curriculum and develops these skills through indoor and outdoor activities. Creative Development The children will experience using a wide variety of art materials in focused activities and during free play. They will experience using different percussion instruments and singing a variety of songs. We will also be using movements to respond to a range of stories.

2 Our School Year One Mathematical Development
Teen numbers, pairs of numbers that make 10 (bonds to 10) and doubles/halves to 10 will be taught. Counting up to 100, forwards and backwards. Practical and enhanced activities will develop children's understanding. Children will cover work on measuring, shape, money and time. This will be developed through problem solving activities to ensure children’s using and applying of their number skills. Language, Literacy and Communication Skills We will consolidate work covered in Reception. Children will look at one sound a week as well as continuing to learn how to blend the sounds already covered. The sound of the week will also be reinforced in their weekly spellings. Children will be learning about full stops, capital letters, commas and exclamation marks. We will discuss nouns, vowels, plurals and alphabetical order. As part of our topic we will look at story structure, poetry and lists. Reading groups will take place on a daily basis Personal, Social Development Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity The school promises and rules will be reinforced and the traffic light system continued. Children will also work through a theme called ‘New Beginnings’ which will look at communities the children belong to, solving problems peacefully and different feelings the children have to deal with. We will celebrate Harvest in school and at Lodge Farm Church. We will talk about and celebrate other religious festivals as they occur throughout the term Our School Year One Knowledge and Understanding of the World We will be investigating our school grounds and making some exciting plans for our new school! Children will continue to learn outdoors every Friday at Forest School, so please bring in wellington boots! We will also be investigating sources of light and sound. Physical Development P.E and Play to Learn resources will develop children’s physical development both inside and outside the classroom through books, music and skills cards. The children will focus mainly on gymnastics this term. Fine motor skills will continue to be developed throughout the curriculum inside and outside the classroom. Creative Development Children will be encouraged to discuss their ideas and compositions and think of ways to improve their music. Names of instruments and how they are held will be reinforced. Children will be looking at colours and mixing; using different mediums to achieve an effect. Welsh Language Development Incidental Welsh is used throughout the school day. Children are encouraged to respond in Welsh and ask their own questions.

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