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Emerging Transportation Innovations and their Financial Implications for State DOTs FUTURE CAPACITY BUILDING NEEDS dISCUSSION July 17, 2018

2 BATIC Institute Visit our website at:
In-person Services Peer Exchanges Training Seminars Workshops Online Services Customized Website Interactive Webinars Quick Turnaround Research TRANSPORTATION FINANCE Bond Financing Federal Credit Public Private Partnerships Other Finance Tools Visit our website at:

3 Focus Areas Financial and operational management of state DOTs
Public-private partnerships Emerging issues in transportation funding and finance. Policy and legislative issues Transit / oriented development & passenger rail Freight & intermodal transportation

4 Financial and Operational Management of State Dots

5 Financial and Operational Management of State DOTs
Should we be working to advance the development of improved data, operations, and financial management systems that allow for more efficient use and improved analysis? What specific activities would be most useful? How can we help improve the project / financial data interface between State DOTs and FHWA? E.g., streamline FMIS How can DOTs attract and retain talent for funding and finance roles?

6 Public-Private Partnerships

7 Public-Private Partnerships
Can we advance the success of alternative-delivery strategies by integrating knowledge and responsibility across the staff/ practice/ culture of the DOT? Many P3 professionals within DOTs must learn as they go. What is the best way to develop greater internal capacity within DOTs in this area? Is there potential value in the BATIC Institute taking the lead in facilitating a P3 ‘owner’s group’? Is there a need for more research on / evaluation of the potential value of risk transfer beyond design-build cost and schedule savings? The value of more-expensive private financing and the pricing of long-term O&M Do we need more exploration of best practices in bundling/ optimizing scopes for P3 procurement?

8 Emerging Issues

9 Emerging Issues What additional resources are needed regarding priced managed lanes? Networks, policy issues, procurement, financing… What comes after the motor fuel tax? New funding models Road user charge pilot programs

10 Policy and Legislative Issues

11 Policy and Legislative Issues
What are the best practices for DOTs engaging with the public and other stakeholders (including legislators) to help them understand the importance of public transportation infrastructure and services in light of coming changes in technology and mission? Discussing funding needs in the context of performance and operating results at various investment levels Online dashboards and tools to advance transparency and education Linking funds with specific improvements / investments What else can the BATIC Institute do to help advance effective communication between DOTs and their legislators/ legislative staff?

12 Transit / Oriented Development & Passenger Rail

13 Transit / Oriented Development & Passenger Rail
What are the best practices for using value capture to help finance transit and transit oriented development? How can we promote better understanding of the constraints and limits on its applicability? Under what conditions and for what project elements of a station redevelopment does private investment typically make sense?

14 Freight and Intermodal Transportation

15 Freight and Intermodal Transportation
How integrated should freight/ intermodal funding and planning be into traditional DOT processes? To what extent is it a planning / prioritizing problem or a funding problem? How can future federal reauthorizations improve the ability of DOTs to efficiently plan for and deliver freight/ intermodal projects? What are specific federal policies and programs (including the application of certain federal requirements) that should be implemented or modified? What are elements of a successful (“model”) State-level assistance program?


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