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Transition Assessments

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1 Transition Assessments
Tools for Discovering P.I.N.S. & Self determination Lon Thornburg, TNF Region 8

2 Why Assessments? ODE Transition Manual link
Common thread in transition process, basis for defining goals & services Age Appropriate Ongoing process to find PINS: P – Preferences I – Interests N – Needs S – Strengths The more you can discover the better the transition goals on your student’s IEP

3 The New IEP Transition Page

4 Formal Assessments Achievements tests
Adaptive behavior and independent Living Aptitude tests Interest inventories Intelligence tests Personality or preference tests Career Development Measures Self-determination Assessments

5 Informal Assessments Curriculum-based assessments
School performance measures On the job or training evaluations Career planning resources Observations Student interviews

6 Choosing the Right Assessment:
Is it easy for the student to use? Is it age/grade appropriate? Can students relate to the language? Does it stereotype career choices? Is it easy to read & Interpret? (Interests or reading skills?) Does it enhance insights? Does it reflect the current and emerging job market?

7 AIR self-Determination Scale Link
Collects information form student, parent & educator. Produces a profile of student’s level of self-determination. Identifies areas strengths and areas needing improvement. Identifies specific educational goals that can be incorporated into the IEP.

8 ARC Self-determination Scale Link
Single assessment of student only Assesses strengths & weaknesses Facilitates student involvement in educational planning and instruction Develops self-determination goals & objectives Assesses student self-determination skills in Autonomy, self-regulation, psychological empowerment, self-realization, total self-determination Online resources to download: student form and user/scoring guides

9 Transition Assessment Goal generator (TAGG) link
Transition Assessment Goal generator (TAGG) link ODE transition Manual Link Online access only Collects information from student, parent & educator Generates goals to put in IEP based on results – ties with common core. Each assessment costs $1.00 x3 assessments in a set = $3.00 Set up an account online. Can load “tokens” per assessment and share with other educators in district.

10 Me! Scale Lessons in self-awareness and self advocacy
One page student survey – circle answer – no writing Series of 10 units with lessons and lesson plans on self-awareness and self-advocacy Survey, Scope & Sequence link

11 Casey Life Skills Free service online
Download assessments in different age levels and population groups User friendly results – graded color code for met to unmet skill targets Link

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