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Moving to Explorers . . . Information for Scouts and their parents about the Explorer Units in our District & how to secure an Explorer place for your.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving to Explorers . . . Information for Scouts and their parents about the Explorer Units in our District & how to secure an Explorer place for your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving to Explorers . . . Information for Scouts and their parents about the Explorer Units in our District & how to secure an Explorer place for your Scout

2 The time is approaching for you to leave Scouts and we hope you will want to move on to an Explorer Unit. Your progression through Beavers, Cubs and Scouts has been automatic until now, as you have stayed within one group, but the responsibility for your continued Scouting now moves from your Group to the District. We have 3 intake dates when the Scouts move to Explorers which is between the age of 14 and 2 months and 14½. E.g If your 14th birthday is between 1st Nov and 28th Feb you move on 1st April, If your 14th birthday is between 1st March and 30th June you move on 1st September, if it is between 1st July and 31st October you move on the 1st January. You have to be in Explorers by the time you are 14½. The move is co-ordinated by our District Commissioner. Scout leaders are not involved in the allocation of Explorer places. There are currently 12 active Scout Groups in Harpenden and Wheathampstead District, and 4 Explorer Scout Units. Although some Groups share premises with an Explorer Unit there are no other formal links between particular Explorer Units and Scout Groups. Each Unit is slightly different but all arrange for their members to have plenty of exciting experiences. Thanks to dedicated Leaders, most Scouts in the District want to join Explorers. This regularly gives rise to a situation where, regrettably, not all scouts can be allocated a place in their preferred Unit. Which unit is oversubscribed varies from term to term; no one is consistently more popular than another. This booklet aims to give you some basic information about the various Explorer Units in the District. It is worth noting that the District organizes a number of events each year that members of all 4 Units can attend, allowing friends in different units to meet up and enjoy a weekend away, a theatre visit etc.. Once you have read about the Units and made a decision about which you prefer, please return your completed form as soon as possible. Whilst allocations are not done on a first come first served basis, it is easy to forget to complete the form and no form will mean no place. Should you have a change of mind after submitting the form, simply re-submit it as soon as you can. The allocation of places is done round about the half-term before you are due to start Explorers. Your Scout Leader will let you know which unit you have been allocated and you will receive a welcome pack from your new Explorer Unit . You will also usually be given the date of an introductory evening you can go along to towards the end of your last term in Scouts. If you are not given a place in your preferred Unit, please do keep an open mind. All the Units provide opportunities for you to make new friends and enjoy scouting and if your friends have been allocated different units you will still see them at joint events.

3 Name: WAKESU When: Thursday – 7.30 – 9.15 Where: Wheathampstead Website: Additional: Wheathampstead and Kimpton Explorer Scout Unit, based at the Scout hut in Wheathampstead, is a traditional Explorer Group run by an elected committee. The Explorers plan and run most evenings with a little help from the dynamic leadership team. We meet during term time. We run an Expo each year which alternates between a UK and European based activity centre. We actively encourage our Explorers to take part in Gang-Show and the many other district events available to them. The majority of our intake is from Wheathampstead and Kimpton Scout troops with a small number from other Groups in the District.

4 Where: Crabtree Fields
Name: HESU When: Thursday 8 – 10pm Where: Crabtree Fields Website: Additional: Harpenden Explorer scout unit is the oldest unit in the district. Each year the unit go on a summer expedition. In 2015 the unit went to North Wales. This expedition lasted 10 days and consisted of hiking, rafting and other adventurous pursuits. Throughout the trip there was a range of social evenings, which involved games and an opportunity for everyone to meet and to get to know each other better. The unit also provides local services at special events, such as the Herts County Show. This is where we publicise ourselves to the community and show them what we as a group can provide. At the start of the Explorer year we vote in a committee who will organise each week’s themes and events. These range from a simple quiz at the hut to top golf or bowling. We get involved in the Gang Show every year, and the Annual Peak Assault Orienteering Competition where we regularly finish in the top 5 (and sometimes even win ) Name: SHACKLETON When: Friday 8 – 10pm Where: Southdown Road Website: Additional: Shackleton ESU is named after the famous Antarctic explorer as this encapsulates the unit's ambition to provide exciting and challenging activities, being outside as much as we can. Our hut provides great outside space for games, pioneering, camp fires etc. We have entered teams into Peak Assault, Dragnet and Chiltern Challenge each year since our formation. Last year we were very proud that a Shackleton team won both Peak Assault and Chiltern Challenge. The Unit has an established committee of Elder Explorers who are responsible for the weekly programme of unit activities for example go karting, cycling, trampolining, sailing, Zumba, cooking, arts and crafts, dodge ball and water fights etc.  

5 Name: KES When: Friday – p.m. Where: New Hut near St Mary’s Church, Kinsbourne Green Website: Additional: Kinsbourne Explorer Scout Unit consists of about 50 Explorers and is run by a team of adult leaders who work with a committee of Explorer Scouts to develop the plan of events and outings. The adult leaders will also work with the Explorer Scouts to enable them to achieve some of the challenges that Explorers will present them, such as the Chief Scouts Platinum Award, Chief Scouts Diamond Award and ultimately the Queens Scouts Award. There is also the opportunity to take part in the many county and nationally organised events and challenges such as Peak Assault, Gang Show, Dragnet, the Chiltern Challenge and many others. The emphasis of the unit is to challenge and develop the members in social responsibility and physical awareness, in order to enhance the life skills they develop in other spheres of their lives.

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