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Presentation on theme: "11/19/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/19/2018

2 11/19/2018 HEADLINE WRITING Headlines by definition are attention getters. Here’s a step-by-step process to create informative and intriguing headlines that are worth the attention.

3 THINGS TO REMEMBER Headlines transform the design of your book
11/19/2018 THINGS TO REMEMBER Headlines transform the design of your book Well-written headlines provide a verbal link to your dominant photos Headlines should capture the readers’ interest and lead them into the story. Verbally linking the headline with the dominant photo reinforces the message of the spread.

4 WHAT YOU NEED Story - Highlight key words and phrases in your story
11/19/2018 WHAT YOU NEED Story - Highlight key words and phrases in your story Dominant photo A headline is a “billboard” for a story. In order to effectively capture the message, the story should be written before the headline.

5 TAKE A CLOSER LOOK Identify key actions and elements in dominant photo
11/19/2018 TAKE A CLOSER LOOK Identify key actions and elements in dominant photo Festive Santa Claus attire Flutes Entertain, play Musicians Gloves Push the group to list as many words as possible. Have fun with the brainstorming process. There is no idea that is too wild or wacky at this stage of headline writing.

6 11/19/2018 SAY MORE A secondary headline enhances the primary headline by providing additional information that relates specifically to the story. Alliteration, rhyming, and allusion headlines rarely provide enough information. They need to be combined with a secondary headline.

7 11/19/2018 WRITE NOW Write a sentence that identifies and highlights key information Symphonic and Concert Bands’ Performance is Scheduled for an Earlier Date Write a first draft.

8 EDIT NOW Edit as necessary
11/19/2018 EDIT NOW Edit as necessary Eliminate articles, to be verbs and punctuation Make sure to use present tense Symphonic and Concert Bands’ Performance is Scheduled for an Earlier Date Editing is a critical part of the process. Don’t skip it.

9 WRITE TIGHT Convey the same message with fewer words
11/19/2018 WRITE TIGHT Convey the same message with fewer words Symphonic, Concert Bands Play Early Holiday Performance Write another draft. Be concise.

10 HEADLINE TYPES Informational Alliteration Rhyme Allusion 11/19/2018
Now that you have the “raw materials” to build your headline, there are four ways to approach writing primary headlines.

11/19/2018 HEADLINE TYPES — INFORMATIONAL Informational- a news headline that contains basic highlights of the story Bands Play Early Holiday Performance Holiday Concert Features Santa & Snow Informational headlines tell it like it is, clear and concise.

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11/19/2018 HEADLINE TYPES — ALLITERATION Alliteration- a headline that uses repeated consonants Five Festive Flutes Featured Hats Off to Holiday Happenings Snow Surprises Spectators Winter Wonderland Wows Audience Informational headlines tell it like it is, clear and concise.

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19 HEADLINE TYPES — RHYME Rhyme - a headline that uses words that rhyme
11/19/2018 HEADLINE TYPES — RHYME Rhyme - a headline that uses words that rhyme Flutes Toot Snow Show Claus Pause Love the Gloves Informational headlines tell it like it is, clear and concise.

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11/19/2018 HEADLINE TYPES — ALLUSION Allusion - a headline that establishes a connection with a famous person, character, time, cultural event or well-known phrase There’s No Business Like Snow Business ‘Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas The Claus that Refreshes In the Nick of Time Informational headlines tell it like it is, clear and concise.

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11/19/2018 HEADLINE TYPES — WRITING ALLUSION HEADLINES TOPIC - Homecoming Choose key word that describes story/photos List words that rhyme with key word Think of idioms/phrases for each rhyming word Replace rhyming word with key word crowd, alumni, noise noise – boys, toys, poise boys will be boys; toys r us Noise R Us

11/19/2018 HEADLINE RESOURCES WRITING Dictionary/Thesaurus Rhyming Dictionary Idiom Dictionary

29 11/19/2018 HEADLINE WRITING Headlines by definition are attention getters. Here’s a step-by-step process to create informative and intriguing headlines that are worth the attention.

30 11/19/2018

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