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Write-On Clinic March 7th-8th, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Write-On Clinic March 7th-8th, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Write-On Clinic March 7th-8th, 2016

2 Look at your Diversity Statement!
Write-On 101 Look at your Diversity Statement! Consists of three components: Personal Statement Room 100 Line Edit Packet Room 105 Comment Room 12 Write-On Dates: Starts at 12pm on May 12th Ends at 12pm on May 22th There is no "in-person" requirement to participate in the write-on. In past years, applicants have been in other states or other countries while completing the components Please let us know as soon as possible if you will be in a location with unreliable internet or mail and we will try to make reasonable accommodations

3 Personal Statement – 20-25%
2 pages maximum (double-spaced) Specific page layout details to be provided in the packet Graded by 8 CLR Members Highest and lowest scores dropped, the rest are averaged Prompt will be available in its final form By SPRING BREAK! (on the website and sent out to the list) There is no "in-person" requirement to participate in the write-on. In past years, applicants have been in other states or other countries while completing the components Please let us know as soon as possible if you will be in a location with unreliable internet or mail and we will try to make reasonable accommodations

4 Personal Statement Tips
Do NOT use your law school application personal statements Do NOT provide a laundry list of accomplishments Do Answer the Prompt Tell us WHY CLR and what you bring Questions to think about: Who are you? Why are you here? What do you bring to CLR? What are you passionate about? Why do you want to get involved with legal scholarship? There is no "in-person" requirement to participate in the write-on. In past years, applicants have been in other states or other countries while completing the components Please let us know as soon as possible if you will be in a location with unreliable internet or mail and we will try to make reasonable accommodations

5 Write-On Logistics

6 Write-On Registration
Details will be Forthcoming in an to all of you, detailing registration requirements. Some of these are covered in the next slide. There will be NO charge for participating in the Write-On!

7 Important Policies Disability Policy FERPA Honor Code
Same accommodations students receive on other similar take-home exams Honor Code The Honor Code is in effect for this competition. You will sign a copy of this, along with a FERPA Waiver Form (see below) and turn them in to the CLR Office as part of Registration requirements. FERPA The Journal collects demographic info on students who participate in the annual write-on, this will not affect admissions decisions. Collection of this data is optional. Releasing information you disclosed in your application to Berkeley Law is completely optional! Write On Disability Policy California Law Review will give reasonable accommodations during the Write On Competition to students with disabilities in the following manner.  On the sign-up sheet for the Write On, students who are requesting reasonable accommodations must check a box indicating that they will meet with Berkeley Law Director of Student Services prior to the Write On. The Director and the student will discuss the accommodations requested, and the Director will grant or deny the accommodations. The Director will communicate accommodations granted only to the Senior Development Editor to facilitate. For the purposes of granting accommodations, students will receive the accommodations they receive on other similar take-home exams. FERPA – Family Educational and Privacy Act

8 CLR Time Commitment During the school year 1L Summer 2L Summer
Approximately 80 hours per a semester It is possible (and encouraged) to be a member of CLR and hold leadership positions in other journals/organizations 1L Summer Mandatory orientation late in August. It will be really helpful, fun, and we will do our best not to interfere with 2L summer job interviewing! 2L Summer Must commit to grading the Write-On

9 Additional Tips Follow the Instructions
Otherwise you may be disqualified Time Management Make sure you allot time to upload the Casenote and personal statement and turn in the editing packet Only use the authority that is provided in the packet Make sure to organize your thoughts and look at the samples before starting (MES) NO outside research allowed—Automatic disqualification

10 Additional Tips Get started early and keep at it! Don’t think about how much time you need to spend—tell yourself how many times you will start working on it that day (e.g., I will start work on this six times today, or twice today, etc.) Celebrate every time you start work on it! Use the materials effectively Do not read each and every single page of the packet There is no “right” answer (except on the editing section) Do not quit because you don’t know if you’re doing it right Emphasize that casenote is a new thing for most 1Ls. We’ve all never really seen it before, there’s no “right” casenote. A lot of my friends did not complete it because they didn’t know whether they were doing it right.

11 Questions? Concerns?
(Yes, you have seen this a million times, but we are here for a reason! We want you to succeed!)

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