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Go with the Flow! Just-in-time language input for communicative tasks

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Presentation on theme: "Go with the Flow! Just-in-time language input for communicative tasks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Go with the Flow! Just-in-time language input for communicative tasks
David Bonamy, BESIG Dubrovnik, November 2011

2 Accident at a Siberian HEP plant, August 17th 2009
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

3 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

4 A basic format for an investigative report
Can you suggest some section headings? Introduction Background Method Findings Conclusions Recommendations Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

5 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

6 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

7 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

8 1,360 tonnes 256,000 litres per second 190 metres
Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

9 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

10 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

11 Writing an investigative report
Can we predict what language forms the writer will use? Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

12 Genre: investigative report
Report section Predictable language Introduction Background Method Findings Conclusions Recommendations Possible answers: Intro: present simple: “This report provides ...”; “The purpose of this document is to ...”. Background: past simple, active or passive: “On the 17th of August, an accident destroyed ...”; present perfect: “For the last decade, there has been an increase in ...” Method: past simple, normally passive: “The site was inspected, and debris was searched ...” Findings: past simple, active or passive: “49 securing bolts for Turbine 2 were found. Of these, 41 bolts contained cracks” Conclusions: past simple active or passive + that (noun clause): “It was concluded that ...; the investigation team came to the conclusion that”; degrees of certainty: “probably / possibly”; modal passives: must/ could/ may/ might/ can’t/ couldn’t have; due to, caused by, a result of; criticism: should /shouldn’t have; 3rd conditional: if X had not happened, Y would not have happened. Recommendations: should + passive (sometimes active) infinitive Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

13 Genre awareness-raising
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

14 Genre awareness-raising
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

15 Genre awareness-raising
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

16 Just-in-time language input
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

17 Just-in-time language input
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

18 Just-in-time language input
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

19 Just-in-time language input
Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

20 Bonamy: Go with the Flow! BESIG Dubrovnik November 2011

21 Thank you


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