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UNIT 4: Leadership & Teams

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1 UNIT 4: Leadership & Teams

2 Transformational Leadership
Is the inspirational leadership that gets people to do more towards achieving high performance; it encourages extraordinary effort A transformational leader raises aspirations and shifts people and organizations into new, high performance patterns E.g. Martin Luther King and “I have a dream” speech ( was also a charismatic leader)

3 Transformational Leaders: Special Qualities
VISION: having ideas and a clear sense of direction; communicating them to others; developing excitement about accomplishing shared “dreams” I.e Mark Zuckerberg CHARISMA: sparking others’ enthusiasm, faith, loyalty, pride and trust in themselves through referent(ial) power and appeals to emotion i.e Drake & Raptors SYMBOLISM: identifying “heroes”, offering special rewards, and holding spontaneous and planned ceremonies to celebrate excellence and high achievement I.E Trump (for the right at least)

4 Transformational Leaders: Special Qualities
EMPOWERMENT: helping others to develop by removing performance obstacles, sharing responsibilities, and delegating truly challenging work i.e Apple INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION: gaining the involvement of others by creating awareness of problems and stirring their imagination to create high-quality solutions I.E. Martin Luther King INTEGRITY: being honest and credible; acting consistently out of personal conviction, and following through commitments I.E Mark Messier – “We’ll win tonight” (Game 6 Eastern Conference Final)

5 Charismatic Leaders A charismatic leader is a leader who
develops special leader-follower relationships and inspires followers in extraordinary ways

6 Charismatic Leadership – 7 Qualities
Strength of personality: they are magnetic, their personality has a seemingly unlimited strength and passion. Vision: not just any vision, but one that is incredibly compelling and is in line with your values, interests and desires. Simplified speech: simple and straightforward, preferably with the use of stories and metaphors.

7 Charismatic Leadership – 7 Qualities
Having strong feelings and making others share in your emotions for infectious transmissions of your vision Creation of emotional bonds bonds last for much longer than intellectual bonds Search for the spotlight a charismatic leader does not hide on the backstage, but rather is always on stage Claim higher principles The charismatic leader claims their strength and passion comes from a higher source [transmitter of a higher principle (ethical, moral, divine or supernatural...)]

8 Strengths/Benefits of Charismatic Leaders
Results in relatively strong, unchallenged levels of obedience Useful in difficult times such as an organizational turnaround Very effective if the vision of the charismatic leader is right Lots of energy; visionary; inner clarity

9 Limitations/Disadvantages of Charismatic Leaders
The “unchallenged levels of obedience” leads to weak “yes” men/women People possessing true charismatic leadership qualities are relatively rare Tendency towards narcissism; insensitive to others Unpredictable; potentially dangerous to organization

10 From “The Corporate Couch” by Dr. Mimi Hull
Male vs. Female Leadership Styles While both men and women are equally capable of leadership, they are inherently different in their leadership styles. Understanding gender differences improves communication and productivity. Men: Men often prefer “male-oriented” settings (math, science and law enforcement) Men are more direct, critical and speak with authority Men work more independently

11 From “The Corporate Couch” by Dr. Mimi Hull
Men: Men trust their logic when making decisions Men are more confident with their work Men use less positive reinforcement Men like to create competition Men are often the formal leaders

12 From “The Corporate Couch” by Dr. Mimi Hull
Women: Women prefer “female-oriented” settings (health and education) Women enjoy mentoring and training others Women trust their instincts when making decisions Women discuss and review work with colleagues Women are more nurturing Women are more critical of other women

13 From “The Corporate Couch” by Dr. Mimi Hull
Women: Women use positive reinforcement and rewards more than men Women lead democratically, share information and promote cooperation and collaboration Often men are seen as more powerful leaders than women. However, when leaders of an organization include both men and women, the organization benefits.

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